rya bradin's Kennel

About me--------- I talk really fast and I text really fast, also I talk a lot. Did you know a baby goat is called a kid? :D What I like------- I like cars, busses, and trucks ect. My favorite color: My first favorite color is Yellow, the my second favorite color is Green, then Blue, then, Galaxy, then Gray, then Clear, then Purple. My favorite food: Biscuits and Gravy (Biscuits, sausage, and Gravy.) Also, Pizza, and Chicken Noodle Soup, and Spaghetti. My favorite snacks: (like icecream and cookies ect.) Vanilla Icecream, Vanilla Beam Icecream (Vanilla Beam Icecream is like Vanilla Icecream with Little Black Spots inside.) Strawberry Icecream. (sometimes) (It depends on if I'm in the mood, LOL.) Chocolate Icecream, Mint Icecream, Cookies and cream icecream. I also like Motts (A brand that has fruit snacks and applesauce and apple juice ect.) Pringles, and Cheesees (Cheesees are Chees-its.) I also like Chips Ahoy! Cookies, with milk LOL. Hot Chips, like hot Cheetos, and hot cheeto puffs, and hot fries ect. Popcorn, and stuff like that. I will update this, and thank you for reading this. :D

Game Time

12:38pm on Dec 22

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