Glacial Tundra Kennels

Glacial Tundra Kennels

Welcome to Glacial Tundra Kennels. I breed lines of top quality dogs from the first generation and raise them to be the best of their breed.

Our Established Lines:

Alaskan Klee Kai:
My line of Alaskan Klee Kai are all 24HH lala dogs with an aptitude in show and a double stat boost in strength. They routinely rank in the top 20 of their breed. This line is my first on the site, dating back to 2017 when I joined.

Top Dogs:
~ Don't Cry Out Loud, BoB winner on 1.15.22, 1.16.22, 1.17.22, 3.6.22, 3.7.22, 3.8.22, 3.9.22, 3.10.22, 3.11.22, 3.12.22, 3.14.22, 3.15.22, & 3.26.22
~ Falling Down the Rabbit Hole, BoB winner on 7.31.21
~ Itchy Trigger Finger, BoB winner on 7.22.21, 7.23.21, 7.24.21, 7.25.21, 7.28.21, & 7.30.21
~ Tsunami of Glass, BoB winner on 7.18.21
~ Esme, BoB winner on 6.12.21, 6.13.21, & 6.14.21
~ Dakota, BoB winner on 5.18.21 & 5.19.21

Lines In Progress:

My Chinooks are my new project, recently started in May of 2021. As I did with my klee kai, this line will be bred from a first gen of store bought dogs. The end result of this project will be a line of 24HH lala Chinooks with an aptitude in sledding and a double stat boost in stamina.

Personal Achievements:
- Level 20 reached on 12/6/20
- Became a Newbie Helper 2/1/21
- 1st Place in the 2021 March Writing Contest (If you're interested, you can read my entry here!)

Game Time

06:42am on Mar 14

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