Tanners Tawny Tunnels

Various sounds come from the lonely dog shop on the corner of the road, you gaze at the sign "Tanners Lodge" was written in black ink over the dark stained wood. The small bell dings as you enter the creaking door, a woman comes out of the back room holding some papers at hand. "Oh, howdy!" she says, putting the papers down and showing hand gestures for you to come to the front till. "Right.. youve come here for...?" She says, in a darker tone. [say what you want here] "Ahh right, this way.. to the dog room!" as she leads you downstairs. "Heres all our dogs.." she exclaimed.. - obviously trying to make it seem alot cooler than it did. - You go to the kennels of various dog breeds and put your hands through the bars as the gentle licks comfort you to the sound of happy barks. "Theyre really sweet, aren't they!" she speaks in a softer tone than before. [say whatever] "Well, the kennels are closing soon, you better hurry back up the stairs and out the door before my boss catches you down here!" she speaks, very seriously as she hurries you up the stairs and out the creaky doors. Youd come back again soon, you just know it.

Game Time

04:50pm on Mar 10

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