Celestial Salukis Breeding Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!

I breed only Saluki dogs both because I love them in real life and they are wonderful dogs. I mainly breed for intelligence, color, and conformation. Here are some ways I ensure my dog are some of the very best:

*Every dog is at least level 10 before being bred

*Every dog is registered in the Sighthound Casso before being bred *I will not inbreed within 4 generations

*No dog born with an Intelligence below 20 will be bred.

Buying a Saluki from Celestial Salukis Breeding Kennel:

Note: I will only sell to a player that meets these requirements:

*Takes great care of their dogs (ALL dogs at 100% on Condition, Grooming, Happiness, and Comfort)

*Will not retire a dog prematurely

*Will not lock dogs for an exceedingly long time with no particular reason

*Will not sell to another player who doesn't fit these requirements

Buying an adult Saluki: It is somewhat unlikely I'll be selling an adult, as most of them are for breeding once they reach level 10. But I will post the name and kennel of an adult I am selling on this page and their name will look like this: Offers(name). I will include the price I'd like to sell for on his/her description; but feel free to negotiate!

Adults for sale:

None currently-check back later!

Buying a puppy: I will post litters that are up for offers below. Mail me to offer on a puppy. The puppy that receives the highest offer after 3 days will be put up for bidding. If no offer were received on that litter, I will either choose the best one to keep or I will post the name and kennel of that dog on my page here for sale (see above).

Puppies for Offers: http://www.furry-paws.com/litter/view/2340715 I've Got Quality Salukis on Furry-Paws.com

Game Time

09:41am on Mar 11

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