Lulu Beagles & Other Dogs
Welcome! The purpose of Lulu's Beagles & Other Dogs is to make sure everybody can have a healthy dog, no matter how much space, or money they have. Male Breeding is 50-500 FPD depending on the level of the dog (10 FPD will be added for every level until it gets to 500 FPD). Plus, your Female has to be healthy/Attended to and, at least, equal the level of the male. Message me if you want any of my dogs, I don't bite! If you see any dogs with the prefix LBOD here just know that they were bred and, trained by me! Also, please tell me if you are selling any Samoyeds I am looking for new ones.
1. If you can't keep the dog for whatever reason DO NOT SELL IT TO ANOTHER USER. Return it to me instead.
2. I do kennel checks. If you do not pass the kennel check your bid will not be accepted until whatever problem/problems there are have been fixed.
3. Don't retire the dog until it is at least over 100 FP days of age.
Thanks! <3
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