Cro Kennel

Welcome to "oh look fur everywhere". Blank for now, sorry about that. Oh and, art is very bad & mine, please don't use it.

Truth is I have no clue what to put here, but shhh.. Have my small baby.


Personal Notes :

Legend :

* = excellent

_ = good or lower

! = achieved / obtained / done

? = in progress

Gene Genie Scores : 0 1 3 4 12 88 201

Dogs : Oscar x Sasha - *lala ; Angel - _lla ; Romeo + Noya - hips eyes, elbows ears ; lock Great Pyrenees! ; Charles x Ginger - hips elbows ears, hips eyes ears ; Jake - *hips *elbows *eyes ; woops, bred bmd pairs waaay too early due to tutorial instructions, won't repeat

Breeds : American Pit Bull Terrier!, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Greenland Dog, Mudi, Otterhound, Pomeranian, Silken Windhound, Croatian Breeds

Game Time

08:05pm on Mar 25

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