Missy's Kennel
Welcome to my kennel! I'm Melia (that's my preferred name but my given name is Melissa)
This is my Breeding and Showing account. I will raise, train and breed all of my packs here. Right now I have 5 breeds that are active; Goldens, GSD, AWS, Dallies and OES. Next generation, i will add back in my Malamutes so I will have 6 packs. Ideally each pack will be 19 dogs strong; 18 females and 1 male. I only have three packs unlocked at a time: AWS, OES, Malamutes, and GSD, Dallies, Goldens. However! That does not mean there are no pups to be had.
All of the pups I choose to sell are transferred to my Sale account so I can log in once, update the listings, run hosted comps, and then log back out so I can move on to the time-intensive tasks. If I have everything on one account, I get bogged down and burnt out. The last time that happened, I lost a lot of dogs. I don't want it to happen again.
Also on the Sale account are my studs! They're all grouped together into one kennel because I only keep one or two studs per breed. This is because its generally better to breed to a dog that has spent its life competing rather than to his uncompeted brother, and I only choose one male per generation and always from the second - and last - breeding round of the parent generation. So I have very few males at any one point.
However! Nearly all pups are available for sale, even if they aren't marked that way. If you find a pup you like where the names are still 'Puppy x', then all you have to do is send me a message about that pup, its parental information so I can find it, and your offer (strongly recommend a minimum offer of $200k because selling you that pup will mean I only get one pup from that litter). I will see it next time I log in and immediately check out that litter to see if there are any other pups I want to keep. If I only want one pup, then the pup you wanted is yours. Alternatively, you can wait for the litter to become unlocked (should only be a few days, once I'm caught up I won't leave litters locked for long) and age out and then the pups will be transferred to my Sale account. The path is up to you!
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