My fav dogs!

Welcome to my kennel! And hope you have a wonderful day and please remember if you are reading this " If you want to fly, give up everything that ways you down" Just something about me I love reading quotes so here are a few that I look at all the time!!! " Why do I ride horses? Becuase I look at a horse, and see my hopes and my dreams. I see my happiness. I see my sucess. I see my pride and my soul. I look in a mirror and I see a person. I look at a horse and I see myself." AND "Happiness is found when you STOP compearing yourself to other people." You're calm and cool. You know exactly who you are. You're patient, but persistent. You always stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not the popular choice. Some people think you're stuck in your ways, but that doesn't bother you. It just means you know what you want. You're respectful and hardworking. You don't wait for other to fix something. You fix it yourself. You're rough and tough in all the right ways.

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12:35am on Mar 12

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