Fitzy's kennel

Hello anyone who may be visiting my kennel at this very moment. I am very happy that you are interested in my dogs and what they may have to tell you. Some of them are very good storytellers you know. It is not hard to master the dog language. You just have to sit very still and look deep into there eyes until you can hear their thoughts. I have been told many dog stories and some of them are very fascinating. Anyhoo back to what I was saying before, thank you for checking out my kennel. I am very sorry if some of the dogs have not been groomed, fed, or played with in a while. I do not play often but when I do I try to get all of my dogs in wonderful condition and cared for equally. There are certain breeds that I like very much and so I have quite a few more of them. Then there are the breeds that I rescue from the humane society. Those are the dogs in the Random kennel. If you are interested in one and feel that you would like to have it please let me know and do not be scared to ask. I have been looking to downsize anyway. As you may have noticed, I love to write and make stories and that is most likely why I have written so much and am putting so much time and effort into this. If you are also into writing you can send me a story or something and I would love to read it. You do not have to also if you do not want to because if you do not want someone else reading your wonderful story or taking credit for it then it is 100% your choice. I would never do anything like that but if you still do not want to send me something like that, then don't. I will not hate you. I have talked for way too long of a time on that and gone way off topic so back to the dogs for the second time. Actually never mind I have to go. Thank you again for coming to my kennel a looking at my dogs. If you actually read this whole thing then you are now my favorite person. Ok, I really have to go now so thanks again and bye! Ok, so I am back and have decided to continue writing. Something else that I love is looking at peoples shop so if you want me to check out your shop just let me know because I will and if you have pretty good prices I will probably buy everything because I have done that many times. I am no longer tight on money like I used to be because I have learned how to save up my money and now I am able to buy everything from people shops. :) I also love having people that friend request me because that makes me feel really good so go ahead and friend request me. I will probably send you a really weird message saying hey I am a weird person but don't be afraid and weird stuff like that. ok, I have to go again but I will probably be back soon to write even more because this is what I do in my free time. I am back for the 3rd time and am actually doing this while I am sick. Now I am going to tell you the history of me and dogs. Ever since I can remember my grandparents have had a dog. My dad's parents had an English shepherd and my mom's parents had a black lab-german Shepard mix. The English Shepherd was named kip and the German shepherd lab mixed was named Ginger. We would Always joke about how the two dogs could get married and it would be so cute. Ginger would always follow me and my sister around the farm where ever we went and Kip would too. But as they got older Ginger got sick and Kip lost his hearing and sight. Soon Ginger got cancer and both grandparent s new that the time has come for them to be forever healed and happy. Now my dad's parents have a puppy, another English shepherd, named Beau. He is very energetic because he is a puppy and he just recently finished up the teathing stage. Everyone on my mom's side of the family is looking at dogs to get for my grandparents but since they are getting older they are not going to be able to get a puppy. Now you're probably thinking 'well she has so many stories about her grandparent's dogs, let's hear about your dog'. Well the truth is, I have never had a dog. My friends and I have been begging my parents to get some sort of animals but my dad does not think that I am going to be responsible enough. My mom really wants one but my sister is allergic to the fur and my mom is allergic to cats in general. My dad does not want to have to worry about the animals and keeps saying that life will be much easier without one. I have no clue if it is or not. All of my friends have some sort of a pet whether it is a cat, dog, bunny, or hamster. I don't think I will ever have a pet until I grow up, get married and buy a ton of animals, live on a farm and have a wonderful life. So yeah. That is my background with dogs and since I have already written an essay I think I will stop now. I will probably be back again though because this is what I do when I am bored. So once again I am back!!! Not a surprise I am guessing!! Ok so now I am going to talk about an amazing person! I don't know her real name but her call name is Myth. She is so amazing. We have been talking for the past half an hour and she makes me smile everytime we talk. She is a very wonderful artist and draws very realistic pictures. She is a wonderful person like I said before and I am proud to call her my friend in the game and in real life. She has many favorite dog breeds and colors. She is obsessed with Webkinz but that is OK because it just is. She as many stuffed animals and they are very cute. Anyhoo what I am trying to say is that you need to go find her and friend her because she is SOOOOOOO cool and her dogs are wonderful quality. She is also a very wonderful artist. Look at what she drew of me and my sister!!! I am in the middle, she is on the left and my sister is on the right. I bet if you friend request her and ask her to do one of you, she will! She just asks some questions and then BOOM! she has a made a wonderful picture of you as a dog. Her talents are amazing so trust me when I say that this friend request will be worth it. She will make you smile. laugh and much more. So what are you waiting for. Go friend request her. Yeah that's right! YOU!! I know you are still reading this to see if there is anything else that I am going to be talking about. THERE IS NOT!!! SO GO FRIEND REQUEST HER!!! NOW!!!

Game Time

02:39pm on Mar 11

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