Crystal Cove Kennels

Welcome to my kennel! I will openly accept unwanted dogs as I’m always on the lookout for new four-legged friends! The minimum bids on all Crystal Cove litters is $500 so get ready to pay! I love Furry Paws and try to complete as many achievements as I can to earn new reputations. Whenever I check by the Humane Society there are never any dogs up for adoption which to me is great because it shows how players take care of their (virtual) dogs! A shout-out to Angus (#1457025) who has a fantastic kennel and always takes care of his dogs everyday and donates to a string of clinics! That was just a random burst of useless information, wasn’t it? Another shout-out to.....(drum roll please).................. ...........Paws~ACYC (#1438221)! “Cookie everyone and everyone will cookie you.”-a wise saying I just made up that is very true so off you go then, go cookie someone! I am investing my beautiful profession points in (of course!) being a Trainer. My secondary choice is a Veterinarian but I don’t have enough points to take up another yet! By the way, who has mastered Gene Genie? It’s impossible! All those letters and lowercases and capitals....I salute you if you’ve managed to get AT LEAST two right in a row! Ball, Frisbee, Bone (if I’ve done it in the right order) is the easiest way of getting FP cash quick although if you master Gene Genie you DO get an awesome reputation! (As I’ve said no one will get the reputation because it’s IMPOSSIBLE). I will try to update my status at least every day so you know I’ve not dyed my hair or died. My fave breed dog is a Hovawart (so cute!) I specialise in Hovawarts even though I only have two. Wow, you’ve done great reading this far, at times I want to fall asleep myself as I’ve been droning on and on about dogs and custard pies and Gene Genie (Try spotting the odd one out!) so all I have to say is bye and thanks for reading!

Game Time

11:03am on Feb 24

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