Red Ink Kennels

This kennel description is provisory. I want to make something a bit more elaborated, but I'm too lazy to do it now.

More about me:

I'm a Brazilian girl who is majoring in photography. Even though I am far from graduating, I already consider myself a photographer because I started photographing more than 10 years ago (I didn't realize I was this old :0). I'm not active on the forum yet because I just started to play FP so I'm not really comfortable posting or answering topics because I'm kind of shy :P

Also, even though I don't have much homework from college and I don't work part-time or anything, I have some problems on my personal life that makes it hard to log in every day

About my kennel:

In real life, my favourite breed is american bully (specially the XL \(^w^)/). Since I can't get one because they're too expensive where I live and I already have 3 dogs and 4 cats, the closer I can get to owning one is breeding them on a virtual game *cries in fabulous*.

My current breeding goal is to breed a 24HH tri-lilac american bully, but it might take some time because I get confused with all those "H" and "h" and because it takes too long to get them to the ideal breeding age (TT^TT).

Maybe you're wondering why I named my kennel "Red Ink Kennels". Actually, I don't know either. It was the first name I thought that wasn't a reference for a meme or something.

If you have any questions about the game, ask someone else. I'm confused as well :P
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, I just don't promise I will answer it (but keep in mind that, unless I don't see your message, I will leave a reply at least :P)

~Under Construction~

Game Time

10:07pm on Mar 11

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