Heaven-Sent Paws Kennel


Welcome to the Heaven-Sent Paws Kennels!!

Hi! I'm Carla, and thanks for stopping by! Here at HVSPK, all dogs are treated with the love, care, and respect that every dog deserves in real life! I've been a dog lover as far back as I can remember. I've had a Golden Retriever Seeing Eye Dog named Jacques (RIP 12-19-00 to 4-9-11), and been a dog Mom to my husband's previous and current Seeing Eye Dogs. I've even fostered a dog of a friend, because he couldn't care for her. So, as you can see, dogs mean the world to me!!


Current Breed Lines For those who may be using a screen reader, or magnification to navigate the site, my specialty breeds are Golden Retriever's, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherd's, and Australian Cattle Dogs. For those who are sighted, here's hoping I've placed the HTML code correctly and you can see my specialty buttons! :D I have some other breeds I'm working on, but haven't quite gotten enough to reach their specialty. It just takes time. :)

I've Got Quality Golden Retrievers on Furry-Paws.com

I've Got Quality Labrador Retrievers on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on Furry-Paws.com

I've Got Quality Border Collies on Furry-Paws.com

I've Got Quality Australian Cattle Dogs on Furry-Paws.com


I breed my females at ages 89 and 101 days. Males start breeding at age 89, and sometimes I will breed them up to 110 days if they have good quality genetics. If you would like to breed with a dog in my Breeding Center and it is locked, feel free to message me with the dogs name that you are wishing to breed with. I will unlock it as soon as I can. Usually, after a female's second breeding, I will move her over to my Retiring Soon Kennel. The only time I might breed her a third time, is if she has good genetics. Males go in the Retiring Soon Kennel at age 110 days. I NEVER retire a dog early!!!!

HVSPK Rescue

That's right, you've also stopped at HVSPK Rescue Center! I have seperate kennels set aside for dogs that need a temporary or permanat home. As in real life, it breaks my heart to see a dog in need. So, if you have a dog you need to surrender, a dog who just isn't what you'd hoped for breeding purposes, or you just want to clear out your kennels and start fresh, feel free to bring it to the HVSPK Rescue Center. Know that it will be loved and cared for. If you would like me to find a furever home, please specify, and I will do my best to do so. If you would like, I am also willing to care for it and work it in competitions, until it's time to retire. Again, I won't retire rescue dogs early!!!!
HVSPK Adoption
As mentioned above, if you have a dog you wish to bring to my rescue center and would like me to find a furever home for it, those dogs will be in my Adoption Center. Be reassured, that I will NOT turn it into the Humane Society! I will search for a home to the best of my ability. That being said, if you see a dog in my Adoption Center that you are interested in, feel free to place a bid on it. I will do kennel checks first, to be sure that the dog will go to a suitable home.
Other Notes
Some random thoughts...I will do my absolute best to care for any and all dogs daily. Please remember, things in real life do happen, and their may be a time that I need to be away from FP. If so, I will usually update my name tag, and lock my dogs. That, and holding for breeding ages, are the only two reasons I lock my dogs. If you have a question, concern, or comment on anything about my kennels, feel free to message me privately. I also enjoy meeting new people, so if you just want to chat, that's fine too. As I've asked many friends on FP myself, for help, if you ever need help with anything on the game, you are also welcome to message me! :) Thanks for stopping by Heaven-Sent Paws Kennels!!!!

Game Time

12:47pm on Oct 1

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