Diablo Kennels

Welcome to Diablo Kennels! In search of this list of critters that I am collecting and don't have yet! I have FPP waiting!
*Black baby dragon
*Black bunny
*Brown bunny
*Color point persian
*Confident Black Wolf
*grey bunny
*grey persian
*moustached persian
*quick pony
*white baby dragon
*white bunny
*white persian


I've Got Quality Afghan Hounds on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Xoloitzcuintles on Furry-Paws.com

I've Got Quality Great Danes on Furry-Paws.com I am mainly trying to focus on Afghan hounds, But due to my new goal in the game will be breeding most breeds on the side of Afghans!

I will have all my males accepting breeding requests of anyone would like to use one, when they are old enough or available to do so. I will be checking over any kennels that what to use my dogs before I accept the requests, to make sure you care for all your dogs before you make more! Please note I ask first reserves on a puppy from one of my dogs if you do not keep any! Please notice it takes me time to check and accept breeding requests, if a dog is not ready straight away to breed please give me time to unlock and vaccinate after accepting the request. Feel free to message if it as been a long wait, as the dog may have been vaccinated when accepted but need vaccinating in the time between if not bred straight away! Please only send the request if you know you will be online that's day/the next day. I will only have my dog unlocked for that long and then the request will be rejected for wasting my studs day.

Any dogs I have for sale will be put up on my secondary account so please do not ask me to sell any of my other dogs.Breeds i am no longer breeding will be out up for breeding line ONLY. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE!. All my dogs are here to stay their full 120 days! Again all checks will be done on their new owners to make sure they can care for them properly. All dogs will leave either of my accounts in full health.

Any litters I have available will be listed. I will only be listing the best puppies of the litter for sale, if you want one that is not listed please message and I will put them up at a lower price than the others for you. Please be aware if I do this the puppy is not to my standard and recommended for just a pet home. I will be doing checks on the kennels before accepting any requests to make sure they are going to the best homes. I will decline if I am not happy. Please do not reserve a puppy if you have no room or not enough money. If this happens you will be given one day after they are due to go to you. If you exceed this then you will be declined or refunded. I will always put a minimum bid on my puppies so you know what price I am looking for around about.. I do ask if you are ever wanting to rehome my dogs or puppies that you offer them back to me before selling them on. If a puppy in my litter does not sell I will be keeping the best one and locking as soon as he/she is happy and put back up for sale so that you guys still have the opportunity to have him/her.

If you have any questions please don't be afraid to message! I do accept friend requests as long as all dogs are cared for! Thanks for reading!

My main goal now being, own every colour variation of every breed! Also having them retired naturally at 120 days! So far I have completed:

*Affenpinscher - all retired
*Airedale Terrier - all retired
*Akbash Dog - all retired
*Akita Inu - all retired
*Alaskan Klee Kai - all retired
*American White Shepherd - all retired
*American Eskimo Dog - all retired
*Appenzeller Mountain Dog - all retired
*Australian Cattle Dog - all retired
*Azores Cattle Dog - all retired
*Beaceron - all retired
*Bedlington Terrier - all retired
*Belgian Laekenois - all retired
*Belgian Malinois - all retired
*Belgian Sheepdog - all retired
*Belgian Tervuren - all retired
*Berger Pichard - all retired
*Bernese Mountain Dog - all retired
*Bichon Frises - all retired
*Black And Tan Coonhound - all retired
*Bloodhound - all retired
*Bluetick Coonhound - all retired
*Border Terrier - all retired
*Bouvier des Flandres - all retired
*Boston Terrier - all retired
*Boxer - all retired
*Boykin Spaniel - all retired
*Briard - all retired
*Brussels Griffon - all retired
*Bullmastiff - all retired
*Cane Corso - all retired
*Cairn Terrier - all retired
*Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - all retired
*Chesapeake Bay Retriever - all retired
*Chinook - all retired
*Chow Chow
*Clumber Spaniel - all retired
*Croatian Sheepdog - all retired
*Curly Coated Retriever - all retired
*Czechslovakian Wolfdog - all retired
*Dandie Demont Terrier - all retired
*Doberman Pinscher - all retired
*Dogo Argentino - all retired
*Douge De Bordeaux - all retired
*Dutch Shepherd - all retired
*Dutch Smoushond - all retired
*English Cocker Spaniel
*English Foxhound - all retired
*English Mastiff - all retired
*English Springer Spaniel
*English Shepherd - all retired
*English Toy Spaniel - all retired
*Field Spaniel - all retired
*Finnish Spitz - all retired
*Flat Coated Retriever- all retired
*German Pinscher - all retired
*German Shorthaired Pointer -all retired
*German Wirehaired Pointer - all retired
*Giant Schnauzer - all retired
*Golden Retriever - all retired
*Gordon Setter - all retired
*Great Pyrenees - all retired
*Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - all retired
*Greek Harehound - all retired
*Harrier - all retired
*Hovawart - all retired
*Ibizian Hound - all retired
*Irish Setter - all retired
*Irish Terrier - all retired
*Irish Water Spaniel - all retired
*Jamthund - all retired
*Japanese Spitz - all retired
*Kai Ken - all retired
*Karelain Bear Dog - all retired
*Keeshond - all retired
*Kelpie - all retired
*Kerry Blue Terrier - all retired
*Kooikerhondje - all retired
*Komodor - all retired
*Labrador Retriever - all retired
*Large Munsterlander - all retired
*Leonberger - all retired
* Maltese - all retired
*Manchester Terrier - all retired
*Maremma Sheepdog - all retired
*Mastiff - all retired
*Miniature Pinscher - all retired
*Miniature Schnauzer - all retired
*Norfolk Terrier - all retired
*Norwegian Budhund - all retired
*Norwegian Elkhound - all retired
*Norwegian Lundehund - all retired
*Norwich Terrier - all retired
*Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - all retired
*Old English Sheepdog - all retired
*Pharaoh Hound - all retired
*Plott - all retired
*Porcelaine - all retired
*Pug - all retired
*Puli - all retired
*Red Bone Coonhound - all retired
*Rottweiler - all retired
*Saarloos Wolfdog - all retired
*Saint Bernard - all retired
*Samoyed - all retired
*Scottish Terrier -all retired
*Schipperke - all retired
*Shiba Inu - all retired
*Shikoku - all retired
*Silky Terrier - all retired
*Skye Terrier - all retired
*Smooth Collie - all retired
*Smooth Fox Terrier - all retired
*Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - all retired
*Spinone Italiano - all retired
*Sussex Spaniel - all retired
*Taiwan - all retired
*Thai Ridgeback Dog - all retired
*Tosa Inu - all retired
*Vizsla - all retired
*Weimaraner - all retired
*Welsh Springer Spaniel - all retired
*Welsh Terrier - all retired
*West Highland Terrier - all retired
*Wire Fox Terrier - all retired
*Yorkshire Terrier - all retired

Completed goals:
Get to level 10.
Expand 2 kennels to 50 dogs.
Refer 3 friends.
Refer 5 friends.
Get 1 speciality breed.
Get a critter enclosure.
Referred 10 friends.
Have at least 1 dog in each sport.
Have at least 10 dogs in each sport.
Have 50 friends
Own my own shop
Have a second kennel property

Critters owned:
*A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
*A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
*A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
*A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
*Angus Calf
*Artic Fox
*Australorp Hen
*A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
*A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
*Black Banded Hamster
*Black Hamster
*Black snake
*Blue Baby Dragon
*Bold Spotted Pony
*Bold Wolf Pup
*Brown Snake
*Bug of DOOM
*Calico Persian
*Champagne Hamster
*Chocolate Hamster
*Cinnamon Hamster
*Clever Red Wolf
*Copper Pegasus
*Confident Black Wolf
*Cross Fox
*Domestic Fox
*Eastern Kingsnake
*Elecric Pheonix Chick
*Evil Rooster
*Emerald Hippogriff
*Emperor Penguin
*Fiesty Black Pony
*Firey Egg
*French Alpine Goat
*French Lop Bunny
*Friendly Dolphin
*Friendly Spider
*Gentle White Wolf
*Gingerbread Man
*Gold Gryphon
*Golden Hamster
*Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
*Green Baby Dragon
*Happy Golden Wolf
*Holstein Calf
*Howling Grey Wolf
*Icy Egg
*Icy Pheonix Chick
*Ididecent Dragon
*Jersey Calf
*Lazy Red Pony
*Little Black Lamb
*Little Brown Pony
*Little Lamb
*Mean Black & White Cat
*Mean Brown Tabby Cat
*Mean Orange Tabby Cat
*Mean Siamese Cat
*Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
*Molten Chinese Dragon
*Nubian Goat
*Orange Persian
*Patchy Fluffy Duckling
*Pheonix Chick
*Polar Bear
*Proud Pony
*Purple Baby Dragon
*Red Baby Dragon
*Red Fox
*Rhode Island Red Hen
*Ruby Chinese Dragon
*Ruby Hippogriff
*Scary Black Cat
*Shy Silver Pony
*Silver Fox
*Silver Hamster
*Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
*Silver Pegasus
*Silver Unicorn
*Snowy Owl
*Sparkling Egg
*Sweet Paint Pony
*Talking Parrot
*Timid Fawn
*Timid Gray Wolf
*Varigated Sea Dragon
*Yellow Fluffy Duckling
*Zebra Unicorn

Game Time

11:42am on Mar 20

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