Cooper's Kennel


About Me

Hey guys! I love dogs and I have one irl. My favorite dog breed is the Saint Bernard


My real name is not Cooper (Cooper is my dog's name). My real name is confidential, so you can call me Cooper :)

Anyway, some of my hobbies include playing sports, spending time with family, petting my dog, and hanging out here on FP. I love to chat so feel free to PM me if you just want to talk <3>

Our Mission on FP

Here at my kennel, we breed Siberian Huskies, Saint Bernards, and Australian Shepherds. My goal is to get 24HH lala dogs with high multipliers. I recently started giving the dogs I breed in my kennel the prefix of "Koop", so I know which dogs I bred myself and which ones I bought from other players. I also run for the Draught Casso frequently so if I am running I would love your vote! I will also be having art sales, so check them out on the ASB!


Can I send a friend request?/Can we be friends? Absolutely! I do accept random friend requests :)

Can I place a bid on a puppy? Yup. I usually accept bids that I think are a reasonable price.

Can I sent a breeding request? Sure! Most of my males will be up for breeding.

I will be locking most of my dogs soon, due to the start of school. I will probably briefly to check on dogs, answer messages, etc, so please be patient if I don't answer your message right away!

This is the brown bar at the bottom of the textbox. do not remove it or the text will touch the bottom of the screen and it doesn't look nice. :(

Game Time

02:57pm on Feb 19

Welcome Guest

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