Mystic Fire Kennels

Welcome to Mystic Fire Kennels!

As of now, I mostly keep the litters I breed, because a lot of my stock is still needing to improve in quality. But, I do have many dogs with excellent quality, when I breed those dogs (if I don’t want to keep any pups of the litter) I will put them up for bidding, I’m trying to get the Bronze Progenitor Medal and all I need is seven more different players to sell puppies to!

I may stud out males who have reached at least level 40 or are at the end of their reproductive days. The breeds I specialize in the most are Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Huskies, and German Shepherds. The current breeds I’m (planning) to focus on right now are Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Huskies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. I may have many miscellaneous breeds for achievements plus the phoenix fire event.

High level parents equals high multiplier offspring, high multiplier dogs equals higher chances of leveling up and hopefully surpassing their parents' levels. Once they reach about 100 days old, they will be bred with another high level dog, repeating the cycle and producing better dogs while also making pretty colors.

I am open to random friend requests! PM me if you’d like! I could use a couple internet friends (preferably 15 - 18 years old, but if you’re older or younger that’s fine, just don’t be creepy!) I swear I don’t bite! If I come off as rude I likely wasn’t meaning too. I’m okay with criticism as long as it’s constructive and I love a good debate.

This is where I keep my notes/tips when breeding/leveling dogs. You can ignore this or read to maybe learn a little if you don't know already ;3.

Breed females at 88 & 100 days old or at 98 & 110 days old. Deadline is 110 days.



- Blue is "dd" in your dog's genes.
- For blue breed Dd to Dd, dd to Dd, dd to DD, and so forth.


- Chocolate is "bb" in your dog's genes.
- For chocolate breed Bb to Bb, bb to Bb, bb to BB, and so on.


- Isabella is "bb dd" in your dog's genes.
- For isabella breed dogs with Bb and Dd, bb Dd to Bb dd, and so on.
- Breeding blue and chocolate can produce isabella.
- Pick dogs from litters that are bb Dd, Bb Dd, etc. and breed them correspondingly.
- Some dogs will have "bb dd" in their genetics but don't show it. These dogs are carriers of the gene but do not show it because of other factors in their genetics.


- Silver is "cw" in your dog's genes.
- Breed dogs with "cw" in their genes to get silver.
- It is usually visible when you see "cwcw" in a dog's genetic code.
- Silver carriers are usually cream or fawn.
- Cream dogs that carry silver show "cecw" in their genetic code.
- Fawn dogs that carry silver show "cchcw" in their genetic code.
- These dogs may not show fawn, cream, or silver. In that case they are carriers for both, and may not show both in a litter when bred to a dog that is also a carrier.
- Usually, cream to cream will produce silver.


- Brindle is "Kbrk" or “KbrKbr” in your dog's genetics.
- Breed dogs with Kbrk to Kbrk to produce brindle dogs.
- Dogs who have "Kbrk" in their genetics but do not show brindle are carriers of the gene.
- Most desired brindle colors are the most eye catching combinations of dark on light possible.
- The key to seeing brindle is a darker color of brindle on a lighter coat color and/or having a light color of brindle with a dark sable or grizzle.
- Mixing colors such as blue, chocolate, isabella, and silver can produce rare and interesting brindle dogs.

Please keep in mind these colors may not be available for your dog breed.

Breeds' Natural Stats That I Should Be Breeding For:

German Shepherd


Alaskan Husky


Siberian Husky




Greater Swiss Mountain Dog


Bernese Mountain Dog


Credits and sites I occasionally use:

Rare Dog Society of Furry Paws by Shadow Fox

The Furry Paws Breed Colour Project by Stormy~

Furry Paws Calculators by Happy Paws
As of 6/01/22 the Furry Paws Calculators website has been down for a few months. I didn’t know until months later as I wasn’t breeding or working my dogs just occasionally checking in. But, in the meanwhile I managed to find alternatives:

HH Check and HH Pair Check by Kuro [Indefinite Hiatus]

Overview Online Calculators for Furry Paws by LouCharly [PWS]

Don’t Mind This

Or This

HH: Hh: hh:
H/h Ratio:
Overall Quality:
stats stats
Aptitude: -x# / +x#

TW: I am very indecisive and talk/type way too much.

Things I’m Obsessed with or Interested in

  • Dogs, obviously. I look forward to possibly doing dog training as a side job or something. I have many favorite breeds but so far my favorites are Anatolian Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, Cane Corsi, German Shepherds, Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Norwegian Elkhounds, Akitas, and American Pit Bull Terriers (the real ones, most “pit bulls” you see are not true APBTs). I’d likely never own the last two breeds but I’d love to work with them. I want to be the best dog owner to my ability, so, if you know any books, websites, or else (especially for the breeds I listed above) that can improve my knowledge to be a better owner of these animals, please, let me know! As even though I have been around dogs, I never really had a “dog.”
  • Rats, I absolutely love rats, although, I tend to love all rodents. I couldn’t see myself living the rest of my life without owning these adorable little critters! I’m happy to see that the general public is starting to have a positive view on pet rats. Just like the dogs, I would be happy for any info/experience other rat owners would like to share, particularly about their health (especially females) and how to give them the healthiest life possible to decrease those problems. For me, the saddest thing about owning rats isn’t their short lifespans, it’s the health problems they face before they die. A rat passing at two years of age doesn’t hurt as much as knowing they had to experience a whole year of carrying around a tumor or several.
  • The zombie apocalypse, or at least the idea of one, my favorite zombie game is Left 4 Dead, and my favorite character is Ellis. I also really like Resident Evil, my favorite characters being Jill and Carlos (They are so hot in the remake, especially Carlos), even though Carlos was a very insignificant character to the series. Jill deserves to come back, Carlos too but especially Jill, she is literally an OG of the series, put some respect on her name.
  • Horses! I love horses and want to learn how to ride/get involved with them. I have basically no experience with horses, the most I have been around them was feeding and petting them, and that’s only happened twice in my life.
  • I love video games, particularly survival themed ones and games that allow creativity and are strategic. Extra bonus points when it involves animals, and double extra bonus points when the animals can be tamed/seem “alive” and not just look pretty, triple extra bonus points if they are also complex in behavior, genetics, personality, abilities, etc. Quadruple extra bonus points if I can play as them too, quíntuple extra bonus points if all of the above was combined together. Some games I like are: Minecraft, WolfQuest, Terraria, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Isle, The Forest, Resident Evil, Sims 4, Left 4 Dead, and probably plenty more. I haven’t played many of these games because I don’t have a good gaming PC that can handle them, but eventually I will.

Things About Me/My Opinions

  • For those who care or want to know: MBTI: ENTP | Big 3: Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Capricorn Rising | Enneagram: Not too sure but I suspect possibly 5w4 or 8w9, or something involving 3, 5, and 8 | Chinese Zodiac: Fire Dog | Pronouns: She/Her
  • I have too many favorite animals but the wolf is my main favorite, although it’s really any and everything canine. I also really like Caribou, Elk, Grizzly Bears, Tigers, Jaguars, Coyotes, Ball Pythons, Mexican Black Kingsnakes, Black Rat Snakes, Rats, Horses, Capybaras, Cougars, Foxes, Dogs, and many more!
  • My favorite color is black, gold, gray, red, and green but I love all colors, as I think any color can look good depending on how it’s used.
  • I love coniferous forests, they’re just so gorgeous.
  • I tend to favor towards balanced training and I support the proper usage of training tools such as prong collars, e collars, choke chains, etc. Currently, my favorite trainer is Tom Davis from Upstate Canine Academy. If you are someone who has a different view on training methods than I do, that is fine! We can still get along! We can even share ideas and techniques. As long as you are doing what is best for you and your dog and don’t bash my agreed methods of raising/training a dog it is all good in the hood. Having different stances on things shouldn’t divide us as people.

I’ll add more later, probably. Last updated: 07/08/22 03/27/23

Game Time

11:53am on Feb 1

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