Dogs of the Sun

Welcome to my kennel!

The pack lives in and around the coolies up by Alberta, Canada (think
the University of Lethbridge). If you’re not sure what that is, it’s basically a bunch of small hills around a “valley” with a forest and the Old Man River. A high, black train track runs along one side, stretching from one end to the other.


|First Arc: Storms of Change|

* A large storm hits the coolies, people scrambling to evacuate. In the chaos, a small kennel of dogs is forgotten and left to their fate. Only a few manage to make it out (Kite, Luna, Hattie, Dash)
* A few dogs in Sparky’s pack noticed a strange, new white dog emerge from the leader’s den, a small splash of blood on his muzzle. No one had seen him before, or even witnessed the alleged fight. He introduced himself as Creed and placed himself as boss over the dogs.

|Prequel Arc: And so it Begins|
* After the collapse of his old pack, Elk and his best friend, Pipa, decide to form a pack of their own.
* Elk and Pipa discover a female loner with more pups
than she can handle. She throws one (Brindle) in their face and runs off before they can give it back.
* When no one was watching, Brindle slipped out of camp to explore the territory. He was almost bitten by a snake, but was saved by a strange red and white husky introducing herself as Foxy.
* While patrolling the territory Elk, Pipa, and Brindle discover a loner, Leaf, running around on their territory. She panicked-ly introduced herself and told them of her half-blind mate, Storm, who'd she'd been separated from in a large storm.
* The three agree to help find Storm and set out with Leaf. The search takes longer than expected, but they manage to find her at the top of a ridge with a mountain lion prowling st the bottom.
* The dogs manage to scare the mountain lion away and realize Storm has been injured. Elk formally invites both Leaf and Storm into their pack, at least until Storm heals, and they accept.
* Pipa goes into labor and births Elk’s litter of ten pups.
* The pack discovers a female Ainu dog (Tigress) and her son (Tiger) who ask for shelter in exchange for food and a good hunter. They are both accepted.
* A wolfdog (Mars) is found passed out half in a bush and is brought back to camp to recover.
* The wolfdog wakes up, introduces himself, and explains he was running from a gang called the Hell Hounds with a corrupt dictator (Kerberos) at its center.
* Kerberos and some of the Hell Hounds arive on the pack’s territory with Mars’s daughter, Winter. They threaten to kill her and Mars attacks without hesitation and the rest of the pack follows.
* The Hell Hounds are chased off, but the pack soon realized a few Hell Hounds have snuck around into camp and attacked/stole the pups. Thankfully Elk’s sons (Badger and Sandy) and Tiger are safe.
* Leaf and Storm, scared of the Hell Hounds, decide to leave to pack to get away from them. They will be missed.
* After several days of planning and discussing what to do, Elk declares he will lead an attack on the Hell Hounds to try to get their pups back.
* The pack attacks the gang and manages to nest them. Elk demands Kerberos gives their pups and the younger leader says he doesn’t have them with him and arranges a meeting in a moon to make the exchange, Elk has no choice but to accept.
* While playing, Badger and Tiger discuss everything that had been going on and comfort each other. #squadgoals
* Elk and his pack show up at the meeting place, ready to negotiate for his pup's lives. However, Kerberos had killed them all and only delivers their bodies, the heartbroken family takes and buries the pups.
* On their way back to camp, Elk’s pack encounters Joy and her son Java, who tell them they had a similar experience with the Hell Hounds and that they want to help them.
* Badger withdraws from most of the pack and almost goes into a depression, but is saved by Tiger, who comforts his friend.
* Elk decides to send Joy and Java in to infiltrate the Hell Hounds and take them down from the inside and out. They are met by a patrol lead by Sparky and they are formally initiated in.
* While under cover, Joy and Java make a few friends (Sparky, Diego, Chia, and Snowflame) and find not everyone is loyal to Kerberos. Some are just too scared.
* When the time is right, Joy and Java lead a patrol of their friends while Elk leads an attack in the pack. Kerberos is killed and most of his pack scatters. Sparky steps up to become the new alpha.

* Sandy finds a young husky sled dog (Cookie) as she passes through the town with her pack and after a one night stand she becomes pregnant.
* After a freak accident, where a car comes off the road by zipping around a corner too fast, Tigress is killed.
* In the same accident, Pipa is greviously injured and soon passes away from her wounds.

Game Time

03:35pm on Mar 6

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