Working Intelligents Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!I breed border collies and German shepherds(the gsds are here!).If any of you need to get rid of a pup dm me I would be interested to see what breed.I might not always be able to take them in because of space. Litter:Active Description about litter:We currently have german shepherd puppies waiting for a home that will put them in a sport.We sometimes do keep pups but its every once in a while. We have recently got 4 german shepherds Falkon,Keesha,Arx,Iris,Chaos(He his staying with his parents for now)we will be looking for a male german shepherd to breed with keesha please dm me about your dog and the strength,agility,stamina,etc we will pick whats best! We possibly might get a american koolie as well still deciding. If there are any working breeds you would like to get as a puppy dm me the breed and I will try my best to buy a male of that breed and have a littler just so you can get it! Breeds i'm interested in:Belgion Malionios,German Shepherds,American Koolies,Border collies,Rhodeision Ridge backs,Blue Heeler,Pit Bulls,Lurcher,Greyhound,Whippet,Doberman,Rottweiler,Irish Setter,Gsp pointer,American Fox Hounds,There are many more just don't want to run out of space. Next Border collie litter:I will be breeding Milo's pup Zarrdo once he reaches the age of 2!I will give him a little more time after that to settle in.My next border collie litter will probably be in July,August,or November We are currently trying to have a gsd litter if you are interested message me!We will probably be having it this month

Game Time

05:30pm on Jan 21

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