Drake's Kennel

As your driving down the highway you run into a small/medium sized building. You've never heard of it before, so curious, you enter. It turns out to be a German Shepard rescue, where they are bred and cared for for the remainder of their lives. You walk up to a boy no older than seventeen at the desk. He has messy blonde hair and silvery green eyes, with a nice tan and nice features. He wears a red t-shirt and shorts. He greets you with sort of an excited smile. "Oh, hi! Welcome to Drake's kennel, I'm Drake." You shake hands, and then you look around. The dogs seem very happy, with a huge yard out of a window and well cared for dogs. "Are you here to have a look around?" You nod, and are taken on a short tour. There's a critter kennel outside for the dogs to interact with along with a sprawling yard they can be walked in. The inside has well carpeted and windowed rooms with everything a dog needs. It's a nice little place, and you wonder why you didn't hear about it before. Before long, you run into a dog you really like. You ask if you are aloud to adopt, and Drake stops. "No, I'm afraid not. Ya see, we take in German Shepards we found on the road or in bad situations, and keep them until they get too old." You look at the blue German Shepard. Oh well.. You look at the sky darkening. Your going to be late! Saying a hurried goodbye to the dogs and Drake, you hurry out. The next day you return, but there's no building to be found. Just a sign saying.. "Thanks for visiting!". Somewhere, somehow, deep down you know that was a magical visit, where that boy and some other people take care of the creatures they love...

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10:49am on Mar 22

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