love is a four lagged word rescue center
Hi! Welcome to love is a four letter word rescue center! Here we take in all rescues and any breeds! Please PM me if you have dogs you don’t want, or can no longer take care of, and I would be more than happy to take them off your hands! Any donations are greatly appreciated! I would like to give a BIG shout out to Maddy-Vote4ScentHounds+ASB (#1344443)for helping me when I first started! I would not have been able to get here without you! Please check her out if you can!|||Stuff about me!||| I am 14 years old, I live in Canada<3>|||My pets!|||<3>I>
There’s Clove,Sage, Apollo, Stella, And Cheese. CLOVE:Clove is a 2 year old GSD we adopted from our local shelter. She is the sweetest and silliest girl you’ll ever meet! She loves to meet new people and dogs at the park, and she would play all day if she could! She loves to play all sorts of game with us, and he brothers!(Sage and Apollo)Her body seems too tiny too fit such a big personality! >
SAGE: We found Sage on a road near our cabin in a box:( he was all alone, and just a tiny little pup. He is now a big boy who loves to snuggle. He’s not allowed on the couch, but we gave up on that because that’s all he wants to do is snuggle with me in the couch(when I’m there) He also loves to go for a swim with me! When I go Kyaking, or paddle boarding, he (tries to) follow(s) me, it’s really cute!APOLLO:Apollo is my brother’s 4 year old Australian Shepard. Apollo is definitely a people pleaser, and loves to help, although sometimes he can get in the way, but we know that he means well. He is very kind to everyone, and is the only dog that Cheese(our mean cat) likes.STELLA:Stella is our newest family member! She is a 61/2 year old pug! She was found in very bad condition, and doesn’t trust very many people, but that doesn’t stop my sister from loving her!(we’re working on the trust thing) Stella is my sister’s very first ever dog on her own! My sister loves Stella like there’s no tomorrow!CHEESE:When my brother was 7 (I was 8) we were walking home from school, and this stray cat “followed” us home. My brother earned his trust, picked him up and started running back home, while nearly being scratched to death. He was not happy. He named him Cheese, because that’s what he fed him when we got home. My parents said it was ok to keep him, so we did. He is a really mean cat, but my brother like him, so we keep him around ;) Thank you for reading this! It took me a long time with the colours!(I’m really bad at coding!) so thanks! I love to chat, so PM me anytime, and if you have any questions, or something that you need help with, I’d be more than happy to help! (I like cookies, btw:P) I hope you have a wonderful day!^-^ Thanks for reading!

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