Marinas Dogs

~Story #1~ As you walk along a dirt path near the outskirts of the city, you notice that the dirt path leads up to a large hill, high enough so that you can get a good view. You decide to climb up the hill, and thanks to the rocky dirt path, the climb was a lot easier than expected. As you reach the summit, you notice that there is a small building, a pasture, and a meadow. Once you do reach the top, you can see clearly that what you are looking at is a plot of land owned by someone with many dogs. Many, MANY dogs. You can hear the howls and the barks, and even the occasional sound of someone laughing, probably due to something the dogs did. The dirt path leads you to the kennel, and then it sections up the plot of land into four pieces. You realize that it's organized so that something is within the dirt path. In the first space, a large kennel lies, the same one where all of the sounds are coming from. A sign that hangs from a string that's looped around a nail reads "Marina's Dogs", and underneath, it reads "Kennel #1480942" in small, neat lettering. You walk further, still following the dirt path, towards the kennel. You begin to wonder if you should be entering the property, when you see a sign next to a mailbox saying "Welcome to Marina's Kennel! Have a look around!". You decide that you should go inside later, and instead, wander off, still following the same dirt path that led you here. As you walk next to the kennel, you realize that to your right, there is a sandy area, with dog training supplies set up on it. A training area for the dogs. A post with the words "Accepting Competition Entrees, go to Kennel for More Details" stands by idly on the grass, and before you have a chance to even take a closer look, a whinny catches your attention. You look up, and see a small, spotted pony standing by the fence of his pasture, and you quickly walk up to him. The pony is very friendly to you, and nickers at you to keep up with him as he trots along the fence. Following him, you get a better view all around of the pasture, and realize that there are many more critters than just a pony. A hamster runs around, and impossibly, two cats and a snake don't even try to eat him. Then, you see a small brown spot, then in a flash, it's gone, and once it does reappear, the small brown spot is next to the pony, and after looking at it closely, you see that it is a rabbit. As you reach to pet her, you notice that what you thought was a normal rabbit has wings, antlers, and two sharp, little fangs. After a few moments, you remember that you have heard about this strange critter before. You recall that it was a Wolpertinger. As you are petting the fluffy little creature, you spot a bright yellow dot in the sky, and as it gets closer, you see that it is a canary. It lands on your shoulder, and it sings a short little tune to you, and you whistle back in response. A sparrow joins his friend, and they happily chirp away on your shoulder. As if on cue, another spot appears in the air, this time blue, and squinting, you are startled that it was a baby dragon, flapping and fluttering around. After playing with the critters, you depart, and you notice a slight scent in the air. It smelled sweet, and fresh. The wind blows, and the smell is coming from behind you. You turn around, and you are faced with a entire meadow full of sweet smelling grass, the wind making them rustle. You walk across the dirt path, and reach the other side of it. You take in the scent of the sweet meadow grass, and sigh. Everything is so peaceful, with the wind blowing through the grass, and the wild birds chirping their songs, every once in a while interrupted by the tweets of the canary. You realize that you had already made it to the center of the meadow, and you are laying down on the grass, basking in the warm sun. You get up, realizing how much time had passed, and run back to the dirt path. You decide to visit the kennel quickly before you leave, and you see that the owner of the kennel is playing with her dogs. She eventually sees you approaching, and a smile lights her face. "I see that you have explored the area! Come inside, the dogs are friendly!" As you walk inside, the dogs all greet you, tails wagging and trying to reach you as they tumble over one another. You both laugh, and sit down next to the dogs, and begin to chat. After a while, you notice that the sun was beginning to set, and send your best wishes as you depart. While walking back to the dirt path, a large, fluffy white dog runs up to you one last time, and tail wagging, escorts you to the exit. You say your goodbyes, and the dog sits and lifts a paw for you to shake. You shake her paw, and see the tags on her collar. "Layali" was the name engraved on the tag. Then both of you turn and go. But you turn around one last time, and see Layali bounding back to the kennel. "Goodbye Layali!" You shout to be heard, but you didn't need to. Layali responds with two short barks, sending you good wishes and farewell. As you turn around, you see the back of the same sign the welcomed you to the kennel. It read "I hope you enjoyed your visit! See you next time!". You smile inwardly to yourself, and you keep walking. Who knows where this dirt road will lead you next...

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08:42am on Mar 11

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