Firefly Ranch

Welcome to Firefly ranch!

I've Got Quality Border Collies on I've Got Quality Australian Shepherds on I've Got Quality Saarloos Wolfdogs on
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The Howling and barking of playing dogs catches your ear as you roll up in your car. You open the door and step out. Most likely with your favorite dog jumping out of the car with you. You walk down the dirt road till ou reach the entrance. A black metal archway stands above a stone brick fence for you to walk under. On it, a dog, or possibly a wolf is depicted chasing what look to be bugs. wait, on closer inspection, they appear to be fireflies seems fitting as the place you are now visiting is called firefly ranch. You walk with your trusting canine underneath the arch and begin a short walk to the main facility. the path you now walk on is bordered by short, stone brick fences. To your left, you can see large training facilities, most seeming to specialize in Agility, Tracking, and Freestyle, with other main attractions being the sledding and herding areas. To your left you see 2 large critter pens. the first of them housing various farm animal such as miniature ponies, Bunnies and Chickens. You lean against the wall and see two white flock guardian dogs, resting in the shade. On lifts his head sleepily at you and gives you a soft woof in hello. You smile and wave to the pair, and you are careful to keep your own dog from disrupting the peaceful scene. You can't quite see what's in the second critter pasture, but you deside it's not worth your time. You continue your walk until the critter pastures give way to massive dog kennels. You can see staff members grooming, cleaning and feeding the dogs inside. Some of the doggos run up to the fence in a demand for pets and attention. You try your best to give all of them pets while your own companion looks at you with jealousy, You make a note to give him a special treat latter. After the dogs seem to think you are no longer interesting, a voice calls to you from behind.- "hello there, stranger!" A women with brown hair in a ponytail walks up to you followed by 3 wolf dogs."Hello, are you Aussie?" "That I am. What can I do for you today?"


About Me!


I've Got Quality Borzois on I've Got Quality Japanese Spitzs on I've Got Quality Croatian Sheepdogs on I've Got Quality Xoloitzcuintles on I've Got Quality American Pit Bull Terriers on I've Got Quality Miniature Australian Shepherds on I've Got Quality Bulldogs on
The best dog game? well it has to be Your virtual dog could be the next champion!

Game Time

07:23am on Mar 27

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