Magnolia’s Marauders

Welcome to my kennel! I played this game a LONG time ago (think back during the beta on a big dinosaur computer in the family room!) and specialized (or tried to - I was super young!)in quality sheepdogs. This time around, I’m starting with the shepherds. We breed for quality first and color second, although I must admit I’m a sucker for the rarer variations. Our goal is 24HH GSDs in every color of the rainbow - my AKC family would smack me for that. We want our dogs sharp, quick and gritty with a western feel that make you nostalgic for a time you never experienced. In fact, my biggest real life interests include the outdoors, gardening and the Wild West, hence the theme so many of my dogs’ names follow. In real life I have nearly 500 lbs of dog, enough horses to eat my folks out of house and home and a cat or two who sometimes decide to belong to me. I like animals, photography, western performance horses, archery, competition shooting and fly fishing. I want to work in the outdoor industry and children’s ministry, as the most important way I believe I can spend my life is helping others build a relationship with the Lord and the great outdoors He created. | Magnolia | Isaiah 6:8 | I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on

Game Time

07:40am on Mar 6

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