Elder Galaxy Kennels

Welcome to my kennels! I'm very early on into a "breeding from 1st Gen. challenge, so pardon my clutter, so to speak! For Silken Windhounds, I will be breeding dogs from a first generation as I dropped this game for a while and the previous dogs I'd had were gone. Starting at Gen. 1, I have begun to focus on lala genes. Starting with my Gen. 3 dogs, I'll begin working on preserving aptitude for breed-appropriate sports (at least one of racing, flyball, or frisbee). Dogs in my Diversity Kennel may have other origins. Dogs in all kennels will focus on at least one one main breed-appropriate sport, and pass health testing with MINIMUM fair ratings. Main Kennel: Silken Windhound (Racing/Flyball/Frisbee) Diversity Kennel (For Diversity Ribbons): Caucasian Ovcharka Mastiff Lagotto Romagnolo Jack Russel Terrier Greyhound Whippet Akita Shetland Sheepdog Borzoi Catahoula Leopard Dog Basenji Border Collie Field Spaniel Name themes for those curious are below! Silken Windhounds- Astronomical star names Diversifier Kennels- Elden Ring Characters (current hyper-fixation)

Game Time

05:46pm on Mar 9

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