Drako’s Doggy Adoption Agency

——————————————————————————DOG BOARDING———————————————————————— With Dog Boarding, you can temporarily hand your dogs over to me if you don’t have enough space for them/are going afk for a while and don’t like locking your dogs. Simply send me a private message with $1,000 and tell me what dogs you want to board, and for how long. I’ll reply when I’m ready to have them. The starting price for boarding is $1,000 for a week, and it costs $1,000 per extra week. Custom items/custom training schedule/custom boarding times cost extra. Feel free to ask me for details in your private message. —————————————————————————DOG ADOPTION————————————————————————— As I mentioned in my ‘About Me’, I run an adoption agency for neglected/unwanted dogs, so I’ll accept pretty much all offers. Send me a message if you have any questions/concerns about a dog I am giving away/gave away. ~~ NOTE: All dogs that go through my ‘re-sell/re-home’ program receives the prefix of DSDAA. If you ever need me to track down a dog that I have acquired, I can do so, all you need to do is ask! ~~

Game Time

08:14am on Feb 16

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