Catching the Sky kennels
Hi there! I am Zailee, I'm from Poland (+5h to the game time). I play from time to time focusing on 24HH, lala, double boosted dogs. I am trying to learn the best way to level dogs, open to all the kind tips! For now my record is level 94.
..:: breeding ::..
I do not automatically unlock my studs. Please send me a message with the link or stud's name on the day you want to use it - it's all to avoid the stud aging without completing a breeding.
I usually do the last check around 4pm game time.
I ignore rude messages to unlock my dogs. I appreciate nice people:)
..:: my lines ::..
American Cocker Spanielstat boost: ? sport: field/hunting trials highest lvl: 84best of breed: 9x |
Australian Shepherdstat boost: stm sport: herding highest lvl: 88best of breed: 1x |
Belgian Sheepdogstat boost: str sport: schutzhund highest lvl: 94best of breed: 28x |
Border Colliestat boost: stm sport: herding highest lvl: 91best of breed: not yet |
Borzoistat boost: stm sport: racing highest lvl: 91best of breed: 2x |
Dachshundstat boost: spd sport: flyball highest lvl: in progress best of breed: not yet |
Dalmatianstat boost: cha sport: scent hurdles highest lvl: 80best of breed: not yet |
English Cocker Spanielstat boost: int sport: hunting trials highest lvl: 91best of breed: 9x |
Field Spanielstat boost: ? sport: tracking ? highest lvl: 82best of breed: 4x |
Giant Schnauzerstat boost: str sport: schutzhund highest lvl: 88best of breed: 12x |
Golden Retrieverstat boost: cha sport: field trials highest lvl: 89best of breed: 4x |
Greenland Dogstat boost: str sport: sledding highest lvl: 80best of breed: 2x best of sport: 22x |
Greyhoundstat boost: stm sport: racing highest lvl: 77best of breed: not yet |
Shetland Sheepdogstat boost: agi sport: agility highest lvl: 86best of breed: not yet |
Silken Windhoundstat boost: stm sport: racing/frisbee ? highest lvl: 82best of breed: 1x |
..:: hall of fame ::..
My first Best of Sport: Jul 29, 2021
*SH* June July | Greenland Dog | 19x BoS in sledding
CtS Back To Black | Greenland Dog | 3x BoS in sledding
My first Best of Breed: May 15, 2022
PADS Crosstown Traffic | Belgian Sheepdog | 1x BoB
PuMs This Is Halloween | English Cocker Spaniel | 1x BoB
CtS You're An All Star | English Cocker Spaniel | 3x BoB
Roman My Heart Will Go On And On | Giant Schnauzer | 4x BoB
CtS Velvet Underground | Greenland Dog | 2x BoB
CtS Carbon Dioxide | Norwegian Lundenhund | 2x BoB
CtS Hold Me While You Wait | Giant Schnauzer | 6x BoB
CtS Eyes On Fire | Giant Schnauzer | 2x BoB
SgL~ One Two Step | Field Spaniel | 4x BoB
CtS Keep Me Warm | Belgian Sheepdog | 14x BoB
CtS Anthem Of The Sun | American Cocker Spaniel | 9x BoB
CtS Monster Mash | Silken Windhound | 1x BoB
RhrN Kidnap The Sandy Claws | Belgian Tervuren | 1x BoB
CtS Release The Bats | Golden Retriever | 4x BoB
CtS W'Falling In Love | Borzoi | 2x BoB
RhrN Some Things Cosmic | Plott | 11x BoB
CtS Art Pop | Belgian Sheepdog | 9x BoB
CtS Violets For Roses | English Cocker Spaniel | 4xBoB
CtS Born This Way | Belgian Sheepdog | 3x BoB
CtS Three Little Birds | English Cocker Spaniel | 1x BoB
CtS Breathe In Life | Australian Shepherd | 1x BoB