The Newfie Takeover

I take in any and all dogs, because I can

My main focus will be Newfoundlands, because they are the best dogs :)

ANYWAYS HEY WHAT'S UP, BACK FROM MY HIATUS IN 2020 seriously holy [grrr] that was so long???

Okay, so, basically. I seldom add money to bids. This is mostly because, a.) I have a hoarding problem and can't afford to bid more on every single dog and b.) I tend to mass-bid. Despite this, I do want to emphasize that I take care of every dog I own, and keep them as happy and comfortable as digitally possible.

I will take in any and all dogs, especially unwanted ones. The only breed I refuse to interact with are pugs, for personal reasons they embody everything wrong with playing god and it breaks my heart, even if these ones are digital. Most of the heavily brachycephalic dogs already do this enough, pugs are just,,, too much. There are other breeds, of course, and they are hard, but I can still at least look at those ones.

WAIT LMAO CUSS WORDS ARE CENSORED??? [grrr] [grrr] [grrr] DAMN HELL [grrr]

Game Time

04:01am on Feb 8

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