The Outstanding Canine Kennel

Click Here to check out my site Welcome to my kennel! You guys are great. Furry Paws is the best. I hope you enjoy the dogs I have, thank you so much for visiting!!!! Hope you have a great rest of your day!!!! :)-Vote me in the Pointers/Setters Casso!!!-----------------Take a sec to visit these wonderful people: They have donated a lot to me and my kennel!!:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Hatter (#1298521), 500,000 FPD, K9-Shepherd Lover (#1401387), 300,000 FPD,Griz (1445279), 100,000 FPD, ~`Rory`~ (#1553960), 1,000 FPD, Harmony*Owner of WTAS* (#1559861), 100,000 FPD, Griz (1445279), 100,000 FPD, Melinda (1553657), Appreciation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These people have helped me an inordinate amount, they are all amazing!!!------------------------------------------------------iron_man(#1554209)-Prices are amazingly cheap and have just what you need!!!!--------------------------------------------iron_man shop link, Take a look at these fine people!!---- Evangeline(aka Evie) (#1523889)-Amazing, Katie-vote in Guardians! (#1542830)-Great, Ivana (#1553969)-Cool dogxpert1 (#1525508)-Stupendous, Juneberries (#1550178)-Awesome, Naomie (#1423265)-Fantastic prpr2121 (#1549545)-Terrific , Dogz Elite (#1546834)-Splendid ,Not Suri? (#1534376)-Great Job! , mags • taking a break (#1545651)-Superb! , Zoe (#1424273)-Crazy Cool!, Lily (#1562215)-Fantastic!! :D

Game Time

01:54pm on Feb 22

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