Zahrii's Canine Estate



Zahrii's Canine Estate is based on breeding Drover and Flock Guardian breeds and strives to humanely breed and care for dogs to perfection. (As humane as you can with virtual dogs.) All the dogs in The Estate receive the best equipment and toys possible, and get cared for, trained, and competed daily or locked. All dogs are fed foods that will aid their stats, which aid in competitions. Even though The Estate is not a competition/show-based facility and mainly breeds for the best genetics overall, most if not all the dogs are in sports that match closest to their background in the real world. Because I breed Drovers and Flock Guardians, expect lots of dogs with either Herding or Obedience careers and stats/aptitudes. I consider myself to be a solo and semi-private breeding facility. The Estate remains organized, with no clutter or any number of unnecessary/extra dogs. Any dogs that I do not need will be sold. If you would like to know more about the founder of the Estate, please refer to the Owner link. I’d like to give a special thanks to Syelfavaki(#1253340) for giving me a large amount of FPD to start my Estate off in the best way possible. Without his voluntary assistance, I wouldn’t have been able to get where I am now as quickly as I did. He’s also an amazing friend in general.


Sale Policy:
Any dogs and puppies purchased from Zahrii's Canine Estate (includes unnecessary dogs that may not have the best qualities) will have the prefix ZCE. This is non-negotiable, and if you repeatedly ask me to remove a prefix on a dog for sale you will be refused to buy the said dog and any dog in the future from The Estate. Every dog I have that is purchasable will be at least a guaranteed EEEE lala, except the first six of any breeds. Pricing is non-negotiable and asking to bring down the price repeatedly will result in the same refusal as if you repeatedly asked to remove the prefix. Unnecessary dogs will have a letter acronym next to their call name (UED) so you know. Unnecessary dogs may not be the best quality, they may not have my specialized coat genetics, or they may have been bred twice already if it’s a female. All my purchasable dogs will be offers and never a direct buy. Dogs for sale will have FS in their call name. If you purchase from The Estate, I simply ask that you continue to work on the dog’s current sport and continue to put said dog in regular training and competitions. This is just a personal preference. If you buy the dog, you get the dog, and it is out of my hands what you do with it. Any dogs purchased from the Estate and used for another player's breeding is NOT responsible for the outcome of the litter, may it be good or bad.

Breeding Policy:
I do not put my dogs up for breeding listings, this includes my males. Do not message me to ask if you can use one of my dogs to breed. I will never accept.

The First Six Policy:
The first six dogs or so of a breed (before I can specialize in that breed) will probably have some genetic lines of other people’s dogs. The genetic lines of the first six Mudis I owned are especially messy. After that starting point with a breed, I will make sure all genetic lines are my own. However, after 3-4 different breeds, I may start to begin breeding my very own pure lines from the first generation with future breeds. As said in the Sale Policy, any dogs and puppies purchased from Zahrii's Canine Estate(includes unnecessary dogs that may not have the best qualities) will have the prefix ZCE. But this is not the case with the first six dogs of any breed I have unless the breed’s genetic line is purely my own from the beginning. Also stated in the Sale Policy, all dogs purchasable are at least a guaranteed EEEE lala. This is again not the case with the first six dogs of any breed I have. The first six may not have EEEE lala yet. If I start my own gene lines from the beginning though, it might take longer than six dogs to get a dog with at least EEEE lala. So please keep that in mind. [TFS] dogs may not have the sport aptitude that I would like them to have yet, so if any [TFS] dogs are in a sport that the rest of the breed isn’t in that’s why. After I specialize in a breed, the first six dogs will have the acronym [TFS] in their call name.


I specialize in Mudis and in the future will specialize in Anatolian Shepherds, Australian Koolies, Caucasian Ovtcharkas, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Central Asian Shepherds, Icelandic Sheepdogs, and Leonbergers. I may extend my specialties, but that is far in the future. I would like to first have a decent amount of what I consider to be perfected dogs of all the breeds I wish to specialize in. I also have genetic coat specialties, and I will only breed dogs with these coat/fur genetics (including mixes between the specialties, such as Irish Merles). I have no breeding restrictions when it comes to colors though. I may extend my coat specialties at some point, but no promises. The coat pattern specialties are:
  • Mudis: Merles, Irishes, Piebalds
  • Anatolian Shepherds: Irishes, Piebalds (not Extreme Piebalds), Sables
  • Australian Koolies: Merles, Irishes, Piebalds (not Extreme Piebalds), Tickings
  • Caucasian Ovtcharkas: Irishes, Piebalds (not Extreme Piebalds), Tickings
  • Pembroke Welsh Corgis: Irishes, Piebalds
  • Central Asian Shepherds: To Be Determined
  • Icelandic Sheepdogs: Irishes, Piebalds, Tickings
  • Leonbergers: Sables, Masks

All my breeds have one sport that they will be in and have aptitude for, and have stat boosts correlating to said sport. These may change overtime. However, the [TFS] dogs may not this.
  • Mudis: Herding, agiagi agiagi
  • Anatolian Shepherds: Obedience, intint intint
  • Australian Koolies: Herding, intint intint
  • Caucasian Ovtcharkas: Obedience, strstr strstr
  • Pembroke Welsh Corgis: Herding, agiagi agiagi
  • Central Asian Shepherds: To Be Determined
  • Icelandic Sheepdogs: Herding, intint intint
  • Leonbergers: Obedience, strstr strstr


I do not take into consideration multipliers yet, as I'm currently getting genetics and coat types set first in my breeds because those can be done much faster. I take into consideration genes, coat types, stat boosts, and breed popularity. Breeds with a population higher than 10k get a 2% price increase. Each HH counts as 50k FPD and all adult dogs for sale are more expensive than a puppies for sale, since they come with all their items. UED [TFS] dogs will be especially cheap, usually 50k or under. UED dog price will vary on the quality of the dog.


Empty except for quality buttons. (Yes I include those, hush.)
I've Got Quality Mudis on

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07:28am on Mar 27

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