The Bam-bam Barking Kennel
Specialising in Border Collies and German Shepherds.
? Breeding rare, high XPM and quality pups.
If you have requested breeding's from any of my males or females, this does not include
a privilege you to a pup for free unless I have stated so, so please be considerate to that.
Pups are available most of the time, of both breeds, if you have a specific colour, pattern,
gender, xpm or quality you are looking to reach then please don't hesitate to message
and I will do my best. Breeding pairs can also be picked from my kennel for you to get a
pup from; at cost.
? I do not sell my dogs for stupidly high prices or low either.
I understand their are newbies and people trying to get better quality kennels, uxp and
dogs on this game so am happy to compromise on a price, but don't take liberties!
? I appreciate FPD and FPP, but am happy to trade both items and pups for things I
want or need.
? If I sell you a pup, or a dog, I would expect that they are well looked after and properly
shown and bred, kennel checks will be done. I ask that if you have one of my pups and
breed from them, I would like a choice of one of your pups at a price.
? I'm constantly appreciating the good artists of this website so if you have any unique
tags of my specialised breed choices, I would love to check this out!
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