ratfantasy's Kennel

I'm here mostly for the breeding aspect of the game. I've settled on specializing in a few breeds of my liking as well as raising some other dogs on the side, each with their own preferred sports and colors. I like purchasing low-quality dogs from the market and improving the quality thru breeding and leveling over time.

If you're sending me a breeding request, there's no need to message me. I will unlock my male when the request is accepted and lock it when the breeding is completed, or just before the next day. If I find that you've bred your female to another male or that you simply forgot to breed at all, expect to be temporarily barred from breeding requests until I forget it happened and for the stud's breeding price to be increased to make up for lost time. The quality of your female doesn't matter to me, but higher quality or older dogs will have level limits, and if your female is good quality I might be interested in buying puppies!

Puppies are sometimes for sale on my Litters page! I price my litters according to the current lowest market price for young dogs of similar XPM, and I accept bids between days 4 or 5 to allow those selecting for aptitude a chance to bid. While puppies are listed for a given price, I accept the highest bids regardless, and if there are more than 2 bids, I do kennel checks to hand them out fairly in the event of multiple people bidding the same price or on the same puppy.

Game Time

01:32pm on Mar 9

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