K9 Corner Breeding and Boarding

Welcome to K9 Corner!. I specialize in breeding Golden Retrievers, German Shepards and Great Danes. I also breed other dogs occasionally. Feel free to dm me about purchasing any of my dogs. (I may say no depending on how important the dog is to me). If you have any female dogs needing a male to breed I have some good ones! I would love any advice if I can improve on anything. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

If you are wanting to breed with one of my dogs then dm me. I might not do any breeding with any dogs that are under 81 days old or level 10 due to quality. I have this rule for your benefit and mine. I may be willing to negotiate on prices, feel free to ask!

Take a peek at any time at my For Sale dogs you'd like to adopt, just dm me to make an offer (please be sure to use their name and tell me what you plan to do with them). I am pretty firm about dogs level 12 and up going to a kennel with an owner level 5 or up. I am a little firmer negotiating but am thoughtful about your situation.

I almost always have litters. Most of the time I keep the pup from the litter. Feel free to take a peek and if you see one you like reach out and dm me! I am not a fan of doing work with someone who doesn't take good care of their dogs.

Although I only breed a select range of dogs, if you have any dogs that you want to get rid of, feel free to send them my way!

BOARDING:K9 Corner can board your dog for up to 10 days at a time. K9 Corner boards all breeds of dogs. We will not change anything about your dog's name, food,sport or training. We offer day care (Which is like halfway) and full boarding which is a whole day. Day Care is $20 a day and full care is $50 a day. While staying with us your dog will receive Barky Bites, a basic collar and leash of your choice and daily grooming.If your dog comes to our kennel with any items attached to them they will remain on the dog.They will also receive daily play time.

We offer extra packages down below with some more options. We add BOARD to the end of their name so we don't get them mixed up with our dogs. If you don't pick up your dog on pick up day I will hold it for 3 days in locked. After 3 days it comes into my possession and I will have the right to do anything with it. If you need to extend boarding time I am perfectly fine with that. If you are wanting to board with me please dm me with how long your dog will be boarded with me and which package you will be using. I will give you more details in an email about what will happen. My boarding packages and pricing is down below.
Premium:For 90 extra dollars a day your dog will recieve a chew, up to level 10 food, a nylon collar and leash if available with your dogs level and one regular training session each day.
Elite:For 110 extra dollars a day your dog could receive a chew, any food you want up to canned food and up to a nylon leash and collar of choice. They will also receive intense training sessions.
Royal:For an extra 180 dollars a day your dog will receive a chew, up to organic food and up to a leather collar and leash. For training they will receive intense training and competitions.

These may be added to the price of the dog. All prices may vary depending on the dog. I am almost always willing to negotiate depending on the situation.

Adoption and Rescue: K9 Corner rescue takes in dogs that are unwanted by owners. I keep them up for sale for 2 weeks and if they go unbought they will be retired or kept by me. For dogs under 14 days you will be able to foster them from me and get them ready to be sold. I only sell dogs 14 days and older. If you want to foster a dog please reach out to me! I have my own dogs along with rescues. Rescue dogs will have their own kennel. If you have any dogs that you just want to get rid of feel free to transfer it to my account!

LITTERS:Our breeding center has changed lots of policies. We don't want to breed for quantity but for quality. As a newer player, we figured out that we don't want to overbreed a dog.I am enforcing a new policy of not breeding with any female dogs that have been bred 4 or more times. This is due to the fact that I want to ensure great litter quality. I am very sorry if this inconveniences you. I am doing this to ensure great quality. Please contact me with any questions or concerns!

ANNOUNCEMENTS:I am doing a regrouping on my kennel and am selling my dogs that are a lower level and health tier. Take a peek at my for sale kennel. They are all great dogs just don't fit my needs anymore!


K9 Corner Owner, Liv

Game Time

12:58am on Mar 12

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