Riptide's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel! It's currently very small but I'm working on making it bigger. I enjoy raising all types of dogs in all different areas of specialty, so while my favorite breed is the Shetland Sheepdog, I have a wide variety of dogs.

Below are the general guidelines for my kennel:


I don't like breeding my dogs very much, so that said, none of my dogs are open for breeding. I might make an exception, but I prefer to not breed my dogs.


Any and all art that I make must be used with permission. Even if someone you know is using a picture of mine that is not in the image bank, you must still ask me to use it. Any art requests that I take can only be used by the person requesting it. I spend a lot of time on my art and any art theft will be reported. That said, if you would like art done by me, requests are kind of open. I reserve the right to decline any art requests I get for whatever reason.

Buying and selling dogs

I don't like putting my dogs up for sale, so once they're in my kennel, I usually have them to keep. I put a lot of effort into all of my dogs, and I pride myself on their care.

I do prefer to buy dogs from other people than to introduce more into the game, so if you have a dog you would like to sell, please let me know! If I have space, I will most likely buy it.

Thank you!

Game Time

02:46am on Mar 27

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