Moonlight Night Kennels: Adoption, Rescue, and Boarding

Hello, and welcome to Moonlight Night Kennels! We work in trying to produce the best quality dogs and pups. When adopting from us, you are not only getting a pet or companion, but saving a life. Animals have feelings too, you know. ADOPTING: When you make the great decision to adopt a dog, breeders and sellers don't just sell them to any random person. They have to go to the right home. When adopting from Moonlight Night Kennels, we have to do a kennel check, and ask you a few questions. This is to ensure that the dog is going to be well looked after. If i think that you are a good owner for the dog, then i will let you know over message. Not all dogs in my kennel are put up for sale, but if there is one that you are interested in, then please, feel free to send me a message. BREEDING & STUDS: When breeding with one of my dogs, there are a few rules that apply. 1. If a dog is EEEE, then only breed one of your dogs that is EEEE. Same with all health stats. 2. Please make sure your dog is well cared for when breeding with mine. Boarding: Here at Moonlight Night Kennels, we also board your dogs. Prices per night are only $1, and we board them for as long as you want. Message me with the dogs name, how long you want to board it for, and send him/her over to me for $0. After the amount of nights i boarded the dog for, i will send him/her over again for that price. (E.G. 12 nights = $12) . If you want your dog to be kept locked, then the price will stay at $1 per night. If you want the dog to be unlocked and taken care of each day, then you will have to pay a 1 time only fee of $5. If you choose for me to keep the dog unlocked, then i will add 'BOARDING' at the end of its name, so i remember to send back to you. Before sending back, i will send you a message telling you that i am about to send back. Feel free to message me about extending your dogs boarding time. Thank you for reading, and remember, adopt, board, or breed from Moonlight Night Kennels!

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06:52am on Mar 6

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