Dream Ahead Rescue

Welcome to Dream Ahead Rescue! My name is Hayley, and I will be your tour guide today!

About Dream Ahead Rescue:
Dream Ahead Rescue is all about rescuing dogs in need! There is no preference of what breeds come into the rescue, because we believe every dog is here for a purpose! We obtain the dogs that come into our rescue through very careful consideration; we look at the pricing, the health they are in when rescued and the previous owners kennel, also commonly known as a kennel check. We want to make sure we rescue the dogs that are in the most need! This means that the genes may not be the best, but hopefully, when we breed the correct dogs together, they can improve the next generations genes!
If there is ever a time that you have no room, and you would no longer like a dog, don't be afraid to send me a message! If I have the room, I will take the dog in, after doing a thorough kennel check to make sure there are no other neglected dogs. If that becomes the case, I will send you a message with the link(s) of the dogs I have my eyes on, and see if I can do anything to help!

Game Time

07:39pm on Mar 3

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