Lucky Valley Kennel and Rescue

Big, or small, we take em' all! Don't matter! Unwanted, not here. May be ugly to some, but not to me. All dogs are beautiful and are better than many humans will ever be. Btw, Jesus loves you :))) He loves all of his children, no matter what! And please understand that even though I rescue dogs/foster, I still have personal dogs, and if I bid for them I keep them, not sell them for money. And if one day my dogs don't look good, like 70% condition or something, I have school (which is in the morning, and I don't have any time in the mornings) but I do always take care of them. The dogs in "adoptable" are either from the Humane Society, I rescued them from bad places or sale listings, or they were mine but I could no longer keep them. ............................................................................................................................................................... PS: Adopt don't shop! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also! I'm sorry I haven't been on lately... :/ I just got a newer pet, so I have been busy with all 6 soooo... yeah! I will return to Furry Paws soon.

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03:53am on Mar 6

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