JackJack Kennel

Hello, everyone. I am finally back on the GAME!! If you want to know why I was not on for a long time please understand that it was a misunderstanding and I was caught with more than 3 accounts! That is against the rules of this game. I am excited that I am back and get to talk to you! I was known as JJ for this time if you want to friend request my other account here is ID #1598973!! TinyDogGirl I am so thankful that you understood when I told you on my JJ account that I needed donations even though I run the donations forum. Sometimes people that give need giving to themselves! I would love a welcome back! I am so sorry if I did not reply to you for the longest time ever but, just know that I missed every single one of my friends here! If you ever feel alone come and talk to me I am always free! :D

Game Time

02:48pm on Feb 3

Welcome Guest

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