Gender: Female (She/her)
[x]More EEEE puppies with HH genes.
LabLover, Cocker spaniel, and Malakai, the nicest friends on Fp (for me)
If you want one of my dogs we can talk about it. Here ( are some simple rules. Also you can bid on my litters for 0 since I am basically just working on achievements. Oh, by the way, if you give me paper I can make it a puppy raising phamplet for free. I sometimes might donate, and if you get something like a PRA I normally might give you an award of my choice (All you have to do is send me a PM).
60/20 fangs 78/200 carvings 665000/5000000 fpd
1. Boa zi (rescued stray cat; currently in china),Lizzy and Ardy (green anoles) pics)Milkshake (a now free roamed english spot).