kd10plj's kennel

Welcome to my kennel!
I do not send or accept friend requests, and I do not send (or, usually, pay any attention to) messages that are not related to gameplay. I prefer to do my socializing in Real Life and leave the Internet for gaming.
If you see anything in a dog's name that is in ALL CAPS (except other people's kennel prefixes), I put it there so I don't forget it. I can be very dense at times and wouldn't remember otherwise. If you see "STUD" in the name, he's my best male of that breed.

---New breeding program---

Females bred at 98 and 110 days. "Cpl." means GGGG, ranks increase as E's increase. After "Major" it becomes a question of perfect scores - one six-HH score is "Col.", then "Gen.", "Field Marshal", and at 24HH "Star Admiral." I am willing to breed Corporals but only keep Sergeants and up.

And now, a kitty because why not.

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As of 5/16/21 we have lost another dog. Rest in peace Greta, and if dogs go to heaven, please don't jump up on the angels.

Game Time

06:27pm on Mar 31

Welcome Guest

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