Cake with the Cream Kennels

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About The Kennel:

I've Got Quality Alaskan Huskies on I've Got Quality Golden Retrievers on

Dog/Puppy Sales:

About Me:

accowding to aww known waws
of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee
shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get
its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe
what humans think is impossibwe.


Doggo ipsum ruff floofs doggo boofers, smol borking doggo with a long snoot for pats. Woofer aqua doggo floofs tungg shibe, long doggo smol maximum borkdrive doggorino, long woofer pupper woofer. Pupper woofer yapper ruff long bois doing me a frighten long water shoob, very jealous pupper doing me a frighten mlem waggy wags. Wrinkler very taste wow long water shoob clouds borking doggo, much ruin diet boofers very hand that feed shibe. Noodle horse ur givin me a spook clouds what a nice floof you are doing me a frighten the neighborhood pupper very good spot, doggorino wow such tempt fluffer fat doggy

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08:47am on Mar 4

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