
Hello, welcome to my kennel (this is my only account on the game)my registered kc name is Let Dogs Bark :) My name is Jemma Wild and I breed amazing quality shelties and have just started a new line of Portuguese Water Dogs, Bracco Italiano, English Toy Spaniels, and Icelandic sheepdogs. Ive perfected the Portuguese Water Dogs genetics as well as the Bracco italiano now, so now literally focusing on leveling, however with the others im currently working on their genetics. You will also see other breeds in my kennel-they are good but I'm just not focusing on their particular breeds xD you will also see in one kennel, a black lab called Mcridgeness Ben, he is the kc name of my own previous black lab (irl) but his actual name was Sam. That dog is locked and means a lot because his date of birth was my dogs Sam's date of death :( my best mate, youll always be in my heart Sam RIP 15/06/09~09/09/2022


1st day we got the beauty (8 weeks) I was 9.


Sam at around 7 years old


Sam's last day with us RIP my brother from another mother (13 years old) I was 22.

My partner Liam, also plays FP :D his account is RedOakley (#1679450)-and yes i gave him 2 shelties of mine to start out with to do well...like a lil boost xP

Game Time

05:37pm on Feb 6

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