Von wolf kennels

Welcome to my kennels, I breed dobermans and Great Danes and I am getting my first German Shepards to breed soon.I only breed dogs 20HH and over.I have played this game for ages but my old account was sadly hacked. —— MY BREEDING —— I breed all my dogs at level 10 minimum to ensure they are breeding 1. higher quality litters 2. Are actually good competitors.I have 4-5 litters monthly to make sure I can give as many people who are looking for high quality Dobes or Danes a chance.When I sell them I make sure the buyer is actually caring for them and not just leaving them my dogs are full of potential I don’t want wasted.—— MY DOGS —— I like to have at least 25 of the breeds I am working on 3-6 being male, I pay a lot for my dogs to ensure my future buyers are happy with what they pay for.My dogs are all trained in similar sports dobermans - schutzhund and my Danes - hunting and show.—— LOCKING DOGS —— My dogs are locked currently as I haven’t been active because I lost a lot of my motivation recently.I lock them so that they will not age whilst I am not online and if they age the quicker they will retire.

Game Time

12:18am on Mar 4

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