
Welcome to Viridiland!
* About me *
I'm Viridila (nickname ofc :D) and I'm from Poland - my active hours are different - +5 (or +6) hours to the game time ;)
* About Viridiland *
Viridiland is about enjoying the game, especially the genetic side. This may be a bit strange to others, but I really like the possibility of running several breeds in different breeding lines here. Last update: 24/11/2023
* Chinese Crested Dogs *
My main focus is on Chinese Crested Dogs - I love them! My main breeding lines in this breed are:
  • Isabella - focused on bb dd genetics (nice to have: Ay_, cwcw and any White #7).
  • White - focused on Sl_ genetics. Silvering #5 masks all other genetic colors - CC dogs here have solid grey body and pure white hairs.
  • Silver Sable - focused on Ay_ cwcw (my favourite here is kk Ay_ cwcw G_) and eliminate C/cch/ce and S allels. I like White #7 here, especially sp_ or swsw.
  • Steel Blue - focused on kk AyAy G_, where I eliminate bb homozygot and atat pattern. It's very close to Silver Sable line.
I have additional 4 groups for CC dog selection - they help me manage diversity in my main breeding lines.
  • No White - focused on S_, where I eliminate si/sp/sw. It's usefull to have good heterozygot dog with S_ for eg. Isabella line.
  • kk + AyAy - focused on kk AyAy, because it's my favourite agouti pattern. This group is also for outcross in my lines.
  • Laciate (EN: Piebalds) - focused on White #7 pattern, especially sp_ and swsw variants. It's also project for outcross.
  • Outcross - just interesting genetic for my lines and best possible stats and multipiler. It's very usefull to push my bloodlines forward.
In all my CC dogs I want to have: nice color genetic, 24HH lala and best possible multipiler (but work on this side of my lines only started in Dec 2023/Jan 2024). Yes, for me this game is all about dog genetics :D I've temporarily suspended my work here - in near future I'll change a little bit my breeding criteria, eg. min multiplier, level for breeding etc.
* 1st Gen Norfolk Terriers *
1st Gen Norfolk Terriers it's a project for my own bloodline. This is a rare breed and I think that such a project can bring interesting results. I want to train all my Norfolk Terriers in Earthdog Trials and give them Old English names. Considering my experience in the game so far, I will try to work on this breed in the following order:
  • lala for big litters
  • 24 HH for the best possible health
  • Multipiler or stat boosts - for now I'm not sure which one will be third and forth parameter to work with in my line
Color genetics isn't important, because they have only few possibilities (Cream/Fawn/Red, Cream/Fawn/Red with Black Sable or Cream/Fawn/Red with Black Saddle). I'm learning to raise the level of dogs and train them for competitions, but it is not my strongest point. This will be the last thing to work out - I'm counting on the experience gained in other breeds that I breed :) The project started on November 23, 2023
* 1st Gen Kooikerhondje *
1st Kooikerhondje In progress... :)
* Borzoi & Dachshund *
Other breeds I breed, but not for color projects (for now, the future is a mystery! :D):
  • Borzoi - my main breed for good quality bloodlines, especially with Dilution #4 dd). I make several mistakes in this breed, so now I'm trying to make sure my future dogs and litters will be better and better :)
  • Dachshund - I love this breed! My favorite genetic in this breed includes: dilution, white, merling and ticking :)
* Other breeds *
Other breeds I have, but just for fun and because I think they're interesting and cute. Maybe in future I'll breed them more :)
  • Sight Hounds - I want to collect all breed from this group. I really like: Chart Polski, Silken Windhound, Irish Wolfhoud and Africanis. Along with the Borzoi breed, there are a total of 5 breeds that I want to breed on a larger scale in good quality.
  • Papillon - they're sweet in this game, that's all :D
  • Mudi - I'm thinking about get one in real life in the future, so... :)
  • Icelandic Sheepdog - I really like this one in real life, but I don't know them well, so I have that breed in game.
  • Akita - I love their dignity and design in game. I'm trying to start from Gen1 dogs but I'll use males from other breeders :)
  • Other breed I really like in game and thinking about them for breeding projects - Dandie Dinmont Terrier, English Cocker Spaniel, Spinone Italiano and Bracco Italiano.

Game Time

03:42pm on Mar 25

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