Serene Paw Shelter

Kennel Banner

Nice To Meet You!


BOLD. Underlined. Italics.
A Link

~ Um. Hi. *waves* My name is Angeline, but friends and family call me Angie. I loveto draw, and a few weeks after I begged my mom for a dog (and she said no xD) I decided to check Furry Paw's! It seems really fun! I played the dog part all the way up to the last day of 4th grade. But ever since 5th grade started (like a month ago) I've been super busy and I can't really take care of my dogs, I'm so forgetful and I have more than 90 D:

I normally lurk around FP every day, however on weekdays you'll probably only see me around lunchtime as that's the only time I have, but I try to get on it when I'm done with my HW :D
Saturday I'm available alot. I love Saturdays because I can sleep in, and right after breakfast, I jump on the computer/iPad and play FP or finish commissions! Sunday I'm available but I have church from like 1:00PM~7:00PM. So I'm not available that much sadly :c
I don't really know what to say now^^; but, um, have a nice day!

~Information and other stuffs :D
Callname angie, angie-chan
Pronouns she/her
Occuptaion student
Ethnicity Indonesian-American
Time Zone Eastern

~ People you should cookie
- Dancing Queen (#1610162) She's amazing and always makes me smile when I text her. She's the leader of my guild! Join it if you don't have one!
- kirbster (#1620946) She's a great friend! She's amazing at coding, too!
---- Lighstream (#1169439) She has this tag sale on the ASB that's only 1 FPP, and worth so much more than the price!
- Summy (#1583335) I love her art! They make me laugh for some reason.

~ Commissions
My commissions are currently OPEN. Whenever you commission me, you must agree to my Terms Of Service which are listed on my commissions post,>>HERE<<

~ Contacting
I'm always open to messages, and quick to respond!(I love getting messages lol idk why)I don't bite, not unless you do first. :( I will not answer any questions that I don't think relate to me or FP. (Artsy things count as related to FP, because there is a whole ASB on the forums.)

~ Bidding I want to help others with the Progenitor achievements, so just message me. I'll bid $100 on any litter you need me to bid on. I can also tell my friends! I'm not bidding on high-priced litters. ($100 max)

~ Kennel Cleanout I'm doing a kennel cleanout because I don't really need the dogs anymore. Most dogs will be up for sale, around $5,000~$10,000 FPD each. Don't ask for a dog if it's not up for sale.
56060656_xLpCdBobnmju4qy.jpg Azula, my love,someday we shall see each other again.

~ Projects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et placerat leo. Fusce vel risus eros. Praesent ultrices purus vitae finibus vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dignissim augue a ante facilisis, eu dignissim metus congue. Praesent convallis, nulla non maximus lacinia, leo tortor ultricies sapien, a consectetur lacus quam in ante. Donec in vestibulum elit. Praesent auctor erat lorem, id congue ante viverra a. Integer accumsan mi quis nunc pellentesque, et feugiat dolor consequat. Ut dictum pharetra ante, sit amet euismod ante aliquet nec. Vestibulum vulputate augue purus, in mattis mi pretium sit amet.

I'm currently working on a Cardigan Welsh Corgi line. I'm on a new tier for my Progenitor achievement, so I'm going to try to sell the puppies in my litters, when they become EEEE and lala. I'm not completely focusing on 24HH yet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et placerat leo. Fusce vel risus eros. Praesent ultrices purus vitae finibus vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dignissim augue a ante facilisis, eu dignissim metus congue. Praesent convallis, nulla non maximus lacinia, leo tortor ultricies sapien, a consectetur lacus quam in ante. Donec in vestibulum elit. Praesent auctor erat lorem, id congue ante viverra a. Integer accumsan mi quis nunc pellentesque, et feugiat dolor consequat. Ut dictum pharetra ante, sit amet euismod ante aliquet nec. Vestibulum vulputate augue purus, in mattis mi pretium sit amet.

My Tags

Some tags that I love! I don't use some of them ALOT, but I find them pleasing on the eyes<3 class="highlight" href="#top">Image Image Image Image Image

Layout Design and Coding by Crestie.
This is a freebie layout! Get the code for it here! for your kennel!

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Game Time

10:37pm on Mar 9

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