McDaddy's Dogs

Hi! My goal is to help people build their own lines of 24HH lala dogs, offering a variety of stud colors for $0-$500 with no level requirement. This will not change no matter the age/level/stats of the stud. Price depends on rarity of the breed in the breeding market, not the color.

However, for my sanity, I've switched up how I do breeding requests. Mainly because I'm still pretty picky-picky about things.


If you see a male in the stud kennels you'd like to like to use (UNDER 80 DAYS) please message me so we can work something out. Usually this means I'll make the stud available for 24 hrs to complete the breeding.

NOTE: I breed for color so ymmv with stats/aptitudes

Will reject breeding request if:

- Puppies are going to be used for profit/sold/placed for bid****

- Dogs are not cared for

- Female has been bred more than 4 times (although I understand especially with ll, lla, and LL females it can take a few times to get get it right).

Please message if you have any questions! I'm always open to discussing my terms.

**** If puppies are used for profit (excluding competitions) all future requests will be automatically rejected. (e.g.: If Puppy 4 produced using my stud is kept, then Puppy 4 can either be retired early or retire at 120 days if/when they are no longer needed. I'm happy to retire dogs for you if  you don't want the clutter.)

Why am I a stickler about this rule?

You'll be making a higher long-term profit with whatever puppies are produced from my studs, so asking for that initial puppy not to be sold justifies the low cost.


Please do not message me about dogs that are not currently listed for sale.

If you are looking for a particular breed or color I am more than happy to help you look for one, help you breed out the color you want, or let you know when I have an extra puppy available.

I will very rarely change the PUBLIC prices on the dogs listed for sale. If you cannot afford a female dog at the listed price, I am willing to "loan" out my females at a reduced price. All breeding/stud rules apply for dogs on loan. Please message me for more information.

Otherwise, I don't reject bids. I'll let them sit until I find a suitable home. If you really have your heart set on a dog and I've been ignoring your bids feel free to reach out.

PLEASE return any dogs bred by me if they are no longer wanted. Any returned dogs are allowed to age to 120 days and retired at their home kennel :)


All bulldogs for sale will be 24HH lala, homozygous for all genes, 4x stat boosted, and have an aptitude for a sport of that stat boost. They will be available in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

I am very much aware that 10-15 million is an insane price, especially when a dog is less than perfect with a low XPM. So here's my breeder's deal for y'all: I do replace dogs on the market as their XPM increases, if you have purchased a female from me and you see that I have another female of the same color for sale, but with a higher XPM, I will exchange her for you free of charge (up to 3 times). I cannot guarantee when I will replace dogs so if you see a color/pattern you like, it may be best to snatch it up. Whatever colors are listed for sale are being actively worked on.  I also accept FPP (9FPP for females, 13FPP for males). I am ALWAYS open to negotiation.

THE EXCEPTIONS: I will not exchange females who were bred more than twice (or bred just to sell puppies), have not been cared for, or are older than 90 days.

I honestly thought bulldogs were some of the ugliest dogs on this game until I forced myself to work with them. A whole year later... and I  have over 1100 bulldogs, and am their #1 fan. I care about my virtual dogs and have put a lot of time and effort into them, and yes I do care for every. single. dog. that is unlocked.


For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to not only get every GSD pattern in the game, but (almost*) every shade combo. I am clearly a masochist :D

Since this is a massive and insane project, if you are getting rid of your GSDs please feel free to contact me! There's a good chance I can incorporate your virtual furry friend into my project. 

After several generations of breedings to make sure the shades and genes are stable, I'd like to offer all the males as studs! So not only will you be able to breed out a certain pattern you like, you can go for certain shades of your favorite colors as well!

*I say almost because trying to differentiate between certain shades of silver and black might actually drive me insane.

Patterns Achieved

  • Male (300 total)
    • Solid - 94/100
    • Irish - 37/100
    • Piebald - 50/100
  • Female (300) total
    • Solid - 97/100
    • Irish - 46/100
    • Piebald - 49/100

Shade stats coming soon (not sure how I want to tackle those yet and many need to be sorted and cataloged)

Game Time

07:29am on Mar 3

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