Lower Tadfield Homemade Jams and Dogs, training division

We are currently out of jam.

He/him (nonbinary transmasc), four whole entire decades old, FP time -1 but I'm kind of a night owl. rn I mostly play Flight Rising but ?? perhaps Dogs Rising also??? My username is ineffablefool on FR + pretty much anywhere else you might find me on the Internet.

("Oops that wasn't actually the breed I meant to buy oh well guess I'll raise them anyway" count so far: 2)
(Alternate account count so far: 1 (#1668126))
(Found FPP in 2023 so far: 17 as of 7/11 -- prev 6/27, 6/10, 5/11, 4/30 (two on the same day!), 4/16, 4/15, 3/15, 3/2)

Also I am currently accepting all incoming friend requests unless I peek at your kennel/About page and something there puts me off the idea. This could be as petty as "this person uses a specific phrase that my brain associates with bad events in my past". There's a reason why it's called a "request" and not an "order"! Messages are cool too, but I have super low communication spoons, so it could take me days or weeks to answer.

Notes to self:

  • breed at 98 and 110 -- 111 is too late
  • successfully clicked one thousand buttons 2/2/23

breeds raised to 30 for emerald diversifier trophy

  1. Flat Coated Retriever
  2. um oops something

Game Time

01:54am on Feb 8

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