The Ancient Tribe

Welcome to the Ancient Tribe!

Est. 2023



Username: Little Bear
Nicknames: Bear, Madigan, Madi
Age: 21
Birthday: July 30th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Other Games I Play : Lioden (#449600)

Friend Requests Accepted :)


Played Since: November 26, 2023

Main Breed Specialties: Whippet, Catahoula Leopard Dog, Newfoundland, and Chihuahua
I've Got Quality Whippets on I've Got Quality Catahoula Leopard Dogs on I've Got Quality Newfoundlands on I've Got Quality Chihuahuas on

Your Kennel - My Dogs - Atlas - Market - Chat - Search - Owner
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* Due to an extremely busy schedule right now, most dogs will be locked for now until I have the time to keep them unlocked again! *

Hi there! My name is Madigan, but you can call me Madi! Madigan is the Irish term for “little dog”. I chose this name for a few reasons! The first being for my baby and “little dog”, Morgan, and the second, because I am part Irish on my dad’s side!
Now you must be wondering why my nickname on here is “Little Bear”. My friend actually gave me that nickname. I am 5’ 2” and love to sleep like a bear hibernating in winter, so I am quite literally like a little bear!


Many moons ago, the forest was a wilderness, untamed by territories. Dogs came into the forest, drawn in by the soft rustlings of small creatures, shadows under the water, and the sudden commotion of birds’ wings in the trees. The dogs lived in small groups, not yet Clans and there were no borders set down. The dogs fought constantly, fearful that prey might run out and that their overlapping territories were being threatened. It was a lawless time for the forest, and many dogs died.

“Unite or die,” said the spirits. Four dogs – Shadow, River, Wind and Thunder – came forward claiming that they could individually unite the forest with their strengths. The spirits of the slain kin spoke again, “The forest is big enough to feed all your families and many more. You must each find other dogs like you, choose a home in the forest, and set down borders.” At that moment, the moon broke free of the clouds, revealing a circle of starlit spirit-dogs around the edge of the clearing – StarClan. A white male spirit-dog stepped forward. “If you do this,” he barked, “we will reward you with eight more lives, so that you may lead your Clans for many moons to come.” The StarClan promised to watch over the Clans from Silverpelt, a crowded path of stars that swept across the night sky, and to visit the Clan leaders in their dreams and to guide them on their journeys. The spirit-dogs proclaimed that all four Clans would meet at the full moon once a month at the four great oak trees for a night of truce.

Thunder, River, Wind, and Shadow were pronounced warriors by the spirit-dogs. “From now on, you will live by a warrior code. Your hearts will be filled with courage and nobility, and if you must fight, it will be not for greed, but for honor and justice.” And so the age of warrior Clans began – ShadowClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ThunderClan. There was not always peace between the Clans, but that was to be expected – dogs are born with claws and teeth for a reason. Still, as long as they lived by the warrior code, their fallen ancestors would watch over them and guide them through their lives.

Thunder Clan : Catahoula Leopard Dog - strong and courageous

River Clan : Newfoundland - beautiful and graceful

Shadow Clan : Chihuahua - prideful and sneaky

Wind Clan : Whippet - swift and agile





To Do Now :
- Sort through the process with WindClan Gen 2 dogs

To Do Later :
- Update equipped items on all dogs in kennel to match their level
- Go through Inventory and clear any unused items

Current Projects :
- Clan Dogs Project [ACTIVE]

To Do : Clan Dogs Project : Thunder Clan (GEN 2) - PAUSED
- Raise GEN 2 dogs to age 12
- Pair with mates
- Breed at 101 FP days old

To Do : Clan Dogs Project : Wind Clan - ACTIVE
- Raise GEN 2 dogs to age 12
- Pair with mates
- Breed at 101 FP days old

To Do : Clan Dogs Project : River Clan - PAUSED

- Raise GEN 2 dogs to age 12
- Pair with mates
- Breed at 101 FP days old

To Do : Clan Dogs Project : Shadow Clan - PAUSED

- Raise GEN 2 dogs to age 12
- Pair with mates
- Breed at 101 FP days old

Achievement Working On : Diversifier
- Yellow Diversifier Ribbon [x]
- Red Diversifier Ribbon [x]
- Blue Diversifier Ribbon [x]
- Purple Diversifier Ribbon [x]
- Bronze Diversifier Medal [ ]
- Silver Diversifier Medal [ ]
- Gold Diversifier Medal [ ]
- Emerald Diversifier Trophy [ ]
- Ruby Diversifier Trophy [ ]
- Sapphire Diversifier Trophy [ ]
- Diamond Diversifier Trophy [ ]

Extra Things To Know :
- I only prefix dogs that I am 100% sure I am keeping until retirement age!
- I do NOT breed or sell my dogs to other players
- I accept all friend requests
- I breed my dogs at 101 FP days old to ensure the highest multiplier level possible

* NOTE : ALL images are MINE legally, and anyone who uses these photos without my consent can be punished by law! *

About My Dogs :
I (and my family) own 3 dogs in real life.

Morgan, an 11-year old Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix, was a gift when I was 10 years old. She is my baby and is the reason I work so hard in school to pursue my dreams of becoming a Vet Tech. Morgan is my dog forever, but she lives with my family while I am in school.

Archie (top of bean bag, more white) and Lulu (bottom of bean bag, more brown) are almost 4 now! They were actually born from a hoarding dog situation at my local Humane Society, and we got to see them grow up from newborn stage! Their mom was a Newfoundland and their dad was a Saint Bernard. They were an accident litter but we love them so much. These two are definitely the family dogs of the house but I love them just as much as Morgan!

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Game Time

10:33am on Mar 1

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