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Willowbrook Hounds

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Founded in 2012, Willowbrook strives to bring the FP community quality, stable and well performing Scent and Sight Hounds. Our dogs are raised to be the best and pushed to the limits before being selected to produce the next generation.
We're currently reforming our lines but you can find our current specializations below

Main Focus

Azawakh Hounds
racing - x4 spd - lala - 24HH

Sub Focus

to be updated

Breeding Info

Breeding policy, expectations and other info to come later

Sales Board

Future sales and all related activities to come later


Personality - Toy Type list:
Confident - Tug Rope
Determined - Tugtoy
Gregarious - Frisbee
Independent - Puzzlebox
Meek - Plushie Toys
Mischievous - Squeaky Toys
Obsessive - Balls



Meet the Owner

Name: Bumble (online) or Ash
Age: early thirties
Region:. Eastern United States
Occupation: failing at adulthood lol
Pets: 9 y/o male APBT/Boxer mix named Dudley. Have owned him since he was 9 months when I adopted him from a local shelter. He's my heart and soul, my best friend. you can see him Here
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Breed(s): Sight Hounds and Scent Hounds.
Likes: My dog, dogs in general, horses, reading, warm weather, good movies, music, being with family and friends
Dislikes: Lightning, storms, overly spicy foods, fighting, super cold weather, rude people

Quick Updates


Coming back to the game after a long long hiatus. Currently sorting through dogs and scratching most in favor of starting fresh. Still planning to stick with scent and sight hounds, however I may dabble in a couple mini projects of other breeds just for fun/diversity sake.

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layout by Tamra (#1318780)

Game Time

03:45am on Mar 11

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