Alphabet Soup

Welcome to my Kennel Alphabet Soup!

Our currently Generation is C.

We have finished breeding Generation A, but most are still sports dogs. Generation B still has a few puppies that are growing up but a lot of them who are adults have been bred!

I plan on waiting to bred the new Generation B dogs till they are at least 24 FP days old and those who have already been bred I don't plan on breeding again till at least level 15, maybe 20 if I can wait that long.

This will also allow the Generation C pups to grow up some and level up! I don't plan on breeding them until level 10 and this is where I do really want to start focusing more on the health standards of them.

This does mean that there will likely be a staggered C gen due to me not breeding B again until level 20 but I honestly am okay with that.

Our main focus is creating a miniature dachshund line with very little interbreeding. I would eventually love to focus on a certain color or even particular stats.

But right now I need to get the lala gene sorted out and then will move onto hip, eye, ear, and knee stats!! Once that is done I can focus on colors and stats.

Game Time

07:56pm on Feb 1

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