Stat Boosts:
January 29th
Reminders 25th and dog must send over 28th!
January 31st?????
February 8th
No reminders!!!! Dog must send over 7th/8th!
Buying A Dog
If you wanna buy a dog from me, you have to follow these rules:
1. You must be Star Competitor
2. You must be here atleast 5 times a week.
3. You must show your dogs to 30 shows or 50 shows each day.
4. You can resell it, but you have to ask it me first. Offer to me first.
5. It won't be neutered.
6. Don't breed it before level 15.
7. Feed, play, water, groom etc. each day.
If you wanna use my dogs for breeding, you must follow these rules:
1. Your female have to be over level 25.
2. The dog can't have any fairs or poors. Prefer if there would be at least one excellent.
3. It costs 1000x my male level.
4. I would love to have a puppy from the litter if I need it. Then breeding is free.
5. You MUST use Master Breeder.
Female Leasing
If you wanna lease my females, you must follow these rules:
1. Your male have to be over level 30.
2. You can maybe have the 88 days breeding. I use the 100 day.
3. Puppies have to get my prefix (DLXK).
4. It costs 1000x my females level.
5. I would love to have a puppy from the litter if I need it. Then breeding is free.
6. MUST use Master Breeder.
Future Breeding
SEF 1k + show fees
Boarding 3k per day + show fees (includes food etc.)
Dog Page Coloring 500fpd
Account Sitting:
Sold Account:

Layout By LunaSong (
#522668). Images From