Dragon Lady


If you request a breeding and my dog needs to be unlocked or vaccinated it's OK to send me a message! I sometimes get distracted and forget those little details!

About my dogs named diversifier dog:

They can not be bought, but they will go up for breeding at level 20. I need to get 125 different breeds to level 30 that is why I won't sell them. If you are willing to wait you can have them for free at level 30. I will even remove them from public breeding if you wish. Please don't be greedy and demand all of them!

My prices ARE negotiable within reason if you ask politely and make a reasonable offer

I am willing to bid on your achievement litters
Send me a message, and include links if possible
I can bid from three accounts
I will return your pups to you if you ask
I do not charge anything for this. I will always return your pups free of charge if you want it back!

My dogs go up for breeding at level 20 and I only allow one outside breeding to my females. My females will only have 2 litters total to insure best quality for their pups.

Male fees will be:
Level 20 to 29: $200
Level 30 to 39: $300
Level 40 to 49: $400
Level 50 to 59: $500
Level 60 to 69: $600

Female fees will be $1000 times their level, and males must be of equal or higher level. I will also only allow one outside breeding, with one breeding for myself so my females only have two litters to ensure the best quality!

I do not "donate" money or FP or items or dogs so don't even ask.

I do NOT accept random friend requests. I only accept requests from people I talk to on a regular basis. I'm a 50 year old lady, and if you're much younger than me we probably don't have anything in common other that FP anyway!

Game Time

03:51am on Mar 1

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